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Please help need build 20kv powersupply

Am I the only one that has a problem with anselmofanzero selling something as dangerous as a pulsed laser to someone who obviously has no idea what he's doing?

Is the 20Kv pulse only to trigger a strobe tube? I see 3 wires coming out.
If it is what I think, I agree with Cyparagon ---- YOU NEED GOGGLES.
REALLY !!!!!!
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Agreed, this isn't going to be a simple build. Seeing as it's a pulsed head, you're going to be playing with large capacitors at dangerous voltages, capable of high current. All of which you somehow have to switch safely (Relay won't cut it), which involves some pretty in-depth electrical knowledge if you don't want to be destroying semiconductors constantly.

I'd try and sell the head and stay waaayyyyy clear of anything dealing with those sort of voltages.
Hello don't worry i made a lot of circuit
(but never with high voltage ).

I have GOGGLES for laser and gloves .

On my laserhead there is 3 wires red wire (+) ,black wire (-) and Yellow/green wire (ground)

I took a picture of the wire , where are information


It 's correct , i need 20Kv DC ?

That's the rating of the wire, not necessarily what the laser head needs.
hey m8,

I worked also with high voltage on a no2-laser, but if you follow some simlpe rules you never get hurt then.

1: only use the stuff what needed on your desk remove al what not needed so your overview looks simple
2: watch iron and other things also, they can be charged also if they lying around on the desk
3: always discharge the high output after you turned the power to zero , there is a high change that it is still powered with remains of left-over-statics
4: work always with ONE HAND the other hand will be in your pocket so if it goes wrong the full charge must goes a long way to get you shoked like trough the table, floor and thoug your rubber shoes ( w.e. you waer )
5: do not wear rings on your fingers, could be also the perfect conductor
6: Gloves wil not protect you full, but wearing them is a good thing
7: large capacitors hold the energie also a long time, also discharge them with a 10 ohms resistor if you don't want to damage them
8: the laser-unit is also a nice capacitor sometimes so this can also be a small danger

if you have some more info about the laser. Let us know. i can also look into it or maybe knows what it is ( specs or info ment )


hey m8,

The best what you could do is making some close pic's from it and place them on the forum.
Maybe in time one of the members reconize this one and give you more data about it.

Information is the key to the sollution.
First of all: eye wear was included.
Second: you guys ive away infos AND material for high power lasers as well.
Cant see any halos here.

Stop blaming me for him being clueless. He said he can do it...have to admit, its obvious he doesnt.
