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pics from my new Laser room

Aug 3, 2012
I have been in my new house now for two weeks now and got all my laser and photography equipment set up. Unfortunatley the room is to be painted black today and I did not want to wait another week to photograph so I hung my black curtains so I could shoot last night. As there is no door yet so I hung a black curtain in the doorway to keep the fog in and the light out.

I set up long mirrors in a square with two mirrors suspended and two more on the table. I took a sequence of 589 / 593.5 shots which I posted to the 589/593.5 sticky. THe 593.5 is going thru the fan diffraction gratings. I also added my large glass sphere to the mix, and also took a sequence with a 473 thru a fan diffraction grating with other colors .I have not photographed my lasers since June 19th, so I was psyched to get at it again! Enjoy


Ah, a sneak peek into the artists new lair. Looking good Bruce! :cool:
Nice... :drool:
Inbe4 butthurt comments about non existend laser safety :P

I'm not gonna b!tch about safety, but I was wondering what glasses he wears when adjusting the beams with mirrors? Like, all the goggles at once, or does he have his safety squints on? :crackup:
Nice new indoor setup you have there (as if I would expect anything less):)
Is that sphere totally solid with no bubbles? Thinking it wouldnt be cheap for one.

Gabe - when I am setting up the mirrors and lasers, everything is stable as the mirrors and lasers are tightly clamped in and in approximately the location they need to be in. When I am going to turn on the lasers I put on my Dragon Lasers safety glasses, which are for blue and green, and fine tune everything how I want it. When I photograph I don't use them as the beams are 100% stable. When I want to tweak something with the mirrors, I will put them back on.

Pman - the large glass sphere I use I got from Amazon and it was only 50 dollars I think. It weighs about 10 lbs! But you can see in dozens of my shots how nice it bends the straight beams. Also now my laser room has been painted black. I still can't believe my wife let me do it.
Ooh I see. I suppose it's easier not to get flashed when the beams are solid and visible too.
And oh man your wife is a keeper, lol :)
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Simply amazing. Still would be awesome to see one of these shoots in person .
My wife let me paint the front half of the basement home theatre room completely black. The only thing she comments on when I build stuff is odors (paint, glue, soldering etc...). I don't even get into trouble using the top of the washer and dryer to build on. Had lithium burn into a section of the linoleum floor down there too and didn't get in big trouble. It's my office/laundry room so I kind of get away with a lot in there.
Simply beautiful. If posters or prints of your artwork are ever available please let me know.
You've got me thinking my spare room could be painted black. No wife to check with.
Congratulations for finding such a cool wife. :)
As noted, an all flat black room is also fantastic to watch movies in. I can't make mine all black because I would have to cover over all the lights in my ridiculous # of amplifiers or move a ton of equipment to another room and that's not going to happen.
Did you paint the room flat black and did you also paint the ceiling?
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