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pics from my new Laser room

Hi Pman,
Yes, A Benjamin Moore flat black finish (N215 80) was used, and the ceiling was also painted. The floor is a gray concrete and will eventually be tiled in a dark color.
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I dare you to tell her you were thinking about another room for the LED collection you've already started;) Don't worry, you can stay in my basement for as long as you like:)

I should look around at all the goodwill/Salvation army try stores we have around here for a sphere.
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Hey Pman,
Here is the one I use which I got from Amazon last year

Amazon.com : Crystal Ball 150mm, Clear : Christmas Ball Ornaments : Everything Else

I highly recommend it if you are looking for a large heavy sphere. It is 150 mm and weighs around 8 pounds I would guestimate. It also photographs very well.

Pretty much the whole basement is mine, so if I wanted to expand I could. I will be hanging dozens of my photos, most in frames, some in just mattes. The upstairs looks like a respectable, normal home due to the wife. The only say I had upstairs was the entertainment center in the living room. I do not know how many people on the forum have gone through the process of selling a house, buying a house, and moving after living in the same house for 25 years. It was one of the worst experiences of mine and my wifes lives! They say the only more stressful thing is a death in the family. But now that it is all over and we are moved in and getting back to normal, and have my Laser Room 100% set up and done it was all worth it.
Hey Pman,
Here is the one I use which I got from Amazon last year

Amazon.com : Crystal Ball 150mm, Clear : Christmas Ball Ornaments : Everything Else

I highly recommend it if you are looking for a large heavy sphere. It is 150 mm and weighs around 8 pounds I would guestimate. It also photographs very well.

Pretty much the whole basement is mine, so if I wanted to expand I could. I will be hanging dozens of my photos, most in frames, some in just mattes. The upstairs looks like a respectable, normal home due to the wife. The only say I had upstairs was the entertainment center in the living room. I do not know how many people on the forum have gone through the process of selling a house, buying a house, and moving after living in the same house for 25 years. It was one of the worst experiences of mine and my wifes lives! They say the only more stressful thing is a death in the family. But now that it is all over and we are moved in and getting back to normal, and have my Laser Room 100% set up and done it was all worth it.

Thanks Bruce. I just ordered one. Love Amazon Prime. Makes it so easy to spend money. :)
Hey Davidx,
You will be very surprised how heavy the sphere is. Make sure you get a stable base for it. I know you will totally enjoy using it as I have.

Gabe - when I am setting up the mirrors and lasers, everything is stable as the mirrors and lasers are tightly clamped in and in approximately the location they need to be in. When I am going to turn on the lasers I put on my Dragon Lasers safety glasses, which are for blue and green, and fine tune everything how I want it. When I photograph I don't use them as the beams are 100% stable. When I want to tweak something with the mirrors, I will put them back on.

Cool, now I know I'm not the only one with Dragon Lasers glasses. Neat pictures man.
A bit late to the party, but woah, amazing! Looks very nice! Definitely better than your previous place. +rep incoming, need to spread some rep first.
Again, I'm also a bit late to the party but owell! Awesome pictures and the new room looks great so far!

Congratulations on the new home and I hope you continue to post up more of your fantastic pictures! They are nothing short of art work :thanks:
Thank you CoherentRays!

Aardvark - Thanks for the comments. Your church pics are very inspiring. It must be so cool to trek outdoors in the middle of the night and nowhere and photograph at that church. Very nice shots. I have photographed some churches and grave yard in infrared and it is a spooky, unsettling experience. You should look into getting some glass diffraction gratings to use with your 7W it would light up the entire area with multiple beams.

My little studio is now pretty much complete. The walls and ceiling are painted flat black. I have two Philips BP30 bulbs in there to add some color if needed, and black tables and stands. And all of my laser paraphernalia (which is extensive) is right outside the door, organized and ready to use. What is nice is my stuff is always set up and I can experiment a little each day. I will have to post some pics of my little laser/photo work area in the future.
brucemir do you mind if a noobie tells you how "pretty" those pics are. It just shows us that there is just so much more than burning things and beam shots. What a work of art just aligning the rainbow of colors. I can imagine it looking at it live:):)
Thanks GSS,
I really do enjoy getting everything set perfectly as the effort shows in my photographs (I hope). It is the OCD in me being used to my advantage. I like to take simple beam shots outdoors when it is foggy, but living in between NYC and Philly with all of the airplanes, it is not wise. The next foggy night I will have to take a few lasers outdoors for quick beam shots.

I remembered I have a bunch of pics I took with my iphone that are of my laser room and right outside of it, so here they are. The drawers in the cabinet are full of mirrors, stands, optics, etc. All of the stuff in that area is all laser related. I am now in the process of filling up the walls outside of the laser room with my photos and stuff I have collected over the years. The last pic is what I am about to work on this week as I bought a long thin glass container (almost like a drinking glass, but around 18" high. I plan on filling it with fog, then water (and fog), then with the help of some 405nm lasers, put some UV dye into the water. The best thing now is everything is set up and I can turn everything on and work on stuff a little bit each day, which is what I have been doing.

Philips Hue Lights

Isnt it funny how OCD works, first it can make you into a perfectionist like your work shows, but how many times did you just have to adjust something one more time and then have to start all over after because of the OCD. But in your case its working! This is something else, you have like a waiting room to your laser room in a house lol. Love the idea of hanging pics in the "waiting room". You came up with a great solution as for where your house is located, and kudos on being very saftey consience witch goes unsaid, I cant use my lasers outside of one of my residence to many nosey neighbors and with all the airplane storys they would love nothing more to do than start an argument and in my Boston area to close to the airport and other houses so same issue.
I cant wait till you post a pic of the tall glass. Peter:beer::yh::yh:
Thank you :D well I'm terrified of shining the 7W into a reflective surface or making a diffraction. It is so bright and powerful, maybe I'll try using a grating with a lower powered 300mW or something :D I love the set up, looks great! Wish I had a spare room to make those pics :thanks:
