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pics 1/25/14

Aug 3, 2012
I set up a 11 lasers in a "U" shape figuring it would make an interesting configuration of the lasers to be photographed. It was a really cool sight to behold. It was another freezing night (8 degrees F outside) in the garage and there is a pic of my heater. After a while I used my projectors to project behind to the existing set up of the lasers. An even cooler sight. A then a few pics with a glass sphere added. It was worth braving the cold to get some good photographs. Here are some of those pics. Enjoy.

**my favorite pics from this post have been added to my "Best of" thread 1/28/14**

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Another amazing series of pictures :beer:

Out of all the shots taken, I must say my favorite is picture #2. I love seeing all those beams haha! Keep it up :)

Hey Bruce. When your pausing an image for taking a picture, I can only seem to slow the static pattern. It never completely stops. Is this how it is for you as well, or can you completely pause the image?

Pictures look great man.
Thanks Greenalnder.

DJNY - I took a whole sequence of pics of that heater. The parabolic silver interior that directs the heat outward also lights up real nice when illuminated by laser light . I have some real colorful pics of it. I will try to post a few of them later

TMack - I don't think any of the static patterns totally stop. It seems around he edges there is always minimal movement. But it can be stoped enough so it photographs well. I think sliders 5 and 6 are what will do this if I remember correctly. Just keep tweaking!
You braved this weather to take pics?!?!? You are insane :eek: It is currently a balmy 0 degrees F here. And joy of joys, it will only get colder next week!

+rep for amazing pics, as always!!
Awesome "rainbowery", Bruce:beer:. 11 (Sky)lasers applied in the U-pattern I like very much! Using the projector's diagram wickedness afterwards is a chapter of its own:).

Your garage space turned into laser-beam-a-holic's dungeon a long time ago:D. Keep 'em coming!
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Leave it to brucemir to inspire jealousy. :beer:

As always, great shots. And thanks for the mirror tip earlier, I'll be sure to check out what I can find locally as far as makeup mirrors.

+rep! ;)

Edit: As an added note, I like your photos of the orange and yellow wavelengths (in past threads) as there aren't too many owners of yellow. So it's a lot rarer to see good photos of them. :beer:
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