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Opinions on Signature Ethics...please read.

IMO if you dont own it dont put it in your signature. if you've paid for it and its in transit, well you still own it. same thing goes with unfinished projects; you can see i have one thats stalled due to me moving but i still own it :p

Signature, IMO anything goes, so long as it's the truth. Beyond that, it's up to you.

I think it's fine for people to add <want> <in transit> <build in progress> <next purchase> kind of stuff.

Best solution to this problem is not having any lasers to list :D

For you it's actually a really good idea. Not sure if it was on here, or on my google alert for "laser" but I read of a case where a guy was fined just for possession. He had a laser in his car, and it was found in a backpack in the car. He didn't even realize he had it around.
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People who live in countries with laser restrictions should be careful what they put in their sig, Big brother is watching :)

I would only put what lasers I have and what the power is with the lens it's got
there is no shame in owning a less powerful laser

Oh 1000 post

*Edit* Right, which way to the vets section ???
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Signature, IMO anything goes, so long as it's the truth. Beyond that, it's up to you.

I think it's fine for people to add <want> <in transit> <build in progress> <next purchase> kind of stuff.

Totally agree. Since I don't own many lasers, I have no problem with listing one I just ordered and putting "(shipping)" after it since I'm really excited about it. Someone who already has an impressive list can afford to be more particular.

I also like seeing what wavelengths people have owned in a separate section labeled "wavelengths I have owned," since it means they might know something about what those wavelengths look like, and how visible were under various lighting conditions.
My signature reminds me of the past and present days I've spent on lpf.com.
It reminds me of how much money I've spent on the laser builds.
It reminds me of skillful members on this forum who have dedicated their time, patience and passion to create those precious lasers.

Future remains unclear, but is full of hope and expectations.

That is my signature.
General consensus says they don't want to know my plans, that's fine by me :whistle:

However! I'm keeping the one "sold" in my sig because its a review I made.
Eh, its only one review on the same exact line as the other 473, I don't find that an issue.
I figure put what you got, and if it's progress, or en route and you're excited about it, just make sure to make note of it. I put incoming by the ones on their way. Check out my sig to see what I mean.

The problem I run into is having multiples, for my green, I just put my highest. though for the rare WL's I put each one (like 604 and 612). though if it's a gas multiline, I try to condense it a bit (look at the various argons) but I pick the corresponding HEX for the median wavelength. For instance, I picked 465 for the 457, 465, 473.

That being said, I REALLY want to separate them all individually to fill in the gaps in lieu of my OCD...though I feel it would be obnoxiously long. That's what she said.

EDIT: Forum challenge, find a post by me that I have not edited.
*Bonus points, find one unedited with errors. *

Run my spell checkers, run!
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Hey bloompyle, you have an extra [/URL] beside your 633 HeNe in your signature.
I put sold next to sold ones, so that others know that even though I no longer have that laser, I still have knowledge about it and may be able to answer questions about it. in my case, the spartan and PL-E mechanical. tomorrow I'll be able to remove the coming soon from all but one of my lasers
