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FrozenGate by Avery

Odd beam obstruction

Dec 11, 2015
I haven't really looked at my 520nm build unfocused, it's either been focused to burn or focused to infinity. I took a look at the diode output w/o the lens, take a look at what I found.


I've tried to get it out with one of those compressed air can cleaners, didn't help at all. Here's what the beam looks like focused through a 3-element:


It's not easy to see a part of the beam missing, in fact I would've never noticed it if I didn't take a look at the beam's raw output, simply because of how bright this thing's beam is already at around 800mW.

It's honestly no big deal to me, I originally intended on this build (my first) to be a "wow look at that" kind of project, with no relative or practical purpose, so I don't mind if it stays as I can hardly see it at all. Also the last thing I would want to do is damage the diode further by trying to get rid of this... Any ideas of how to get rid of it safely? How to clean the raw diode? Thanks.

Looks like junk on your window, if it burns hot enough it could crack the window.

It could be on your screw in lens, when you focus does it move, spin with the lens turning?
If so it's on your focus lens, no problem, but on your window it will sit still and seem to get smaller as you focus.
That's only a 1 watt Right?
It may not pop, but 3w and up often will.
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Looks like junk on your window, if it burns hot enough it could crack the window.

It could be on your screw in lens, when you focus does it move, spin with the lens turning?
If so it's on your focus lens, no problem, but on your window it will sit still and seem to get smaller as you focus.
That's only a 1 watt Right?
It may not pop, but 3w and up often will.

~800mW of 520nm. Not even 1 watt :p

Nope. Completely on the diode window, can't even see it when it's focused
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Do you have a stereo microscope you could look at the diode through? Perhaps you could clean the window with lens cloth?

Or you could just pull a USAbro and try to drill the window out.
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Do you have a stereo microscope you could look at the diode through? Perhaps you could clean the window with lens cloth?

Or you could just pull a USAbro and try to drill the window out.

Wow :crackup::crackup::crackup: just read through that thread, gave me a good laugh. A Q-tip was brought up, that seemed like a good idea though. I don't have a microscope but I'll probably just end up using a lens cleaner or a q-tip.

Still can't believe he drilled a damn hole in his diode :crackup:
No don't try to clean it or do anything, if it's not broke don't fix it. Look at my build thread from 2 1/2 years ago, scroll down near the end of the first post and you will see I have the same thing with this 3W laser and it still works fine. I could never see anything on the diode window with a powerful magnifying glass but I don't have a microscope so I don't know if it's the window or some defect in the diode.

If it's no big dealt you like PI said leave ti alone, but if it is Take the can off the diode that will fix your burnt window issue. but note the diode will be at risk if you get dust or dirt on it Poof!!! I have quite a few diodes without windows that i de canned and they run fine just have to be a little more care full that'll.

Could be diode defect, but more likely an issue with the window or lens.

Try cleaning both with microfiber cloth, and leave it alone after that. At most you're losing a small amount of power.
Agree with everyone else. Don't mess with it. I don't really like Q-tips as they could leave a hair and make things worse. It's really not a problem at this point so don't take the chance and turn it into one. IF you can't leave it alone then go the micro-fiber route like Infin mentioned. Don't do a de-canning unless you'RE really sure of yourself.
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Thanks, everyone. I definitely won't decan the thing, it wouldn't be worth it for a smudge. Rather have it protected. Eventually I'll probably get a microfiber cloth and try to get at it. A shame that a compressed air can couldn't do the job. :)
It's a bad idea in general to use compressed air, since it's not just air that's in there.

I like these personally, for use with glasses, and lenses: http://www.amazon.com/Eco-Fused-Mic...&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

I think as long as you have the can up right it will only decompress the bottle, and leave the mixture that creates the reaction inside, thus only putting out well... compressed air. Turning the bottle upside down is when other things start coming out of the bottle :p

I'll have to see if I have any microfiber cloths around, if not I'll probably purchase the ones you linked.
Even if you hold the can completely upright, you still get some very small amounts of residue... and you still often drastically cool whatever it is you're cleaning.

Don't necessarily need a microfiber cloth... any soft non abrasive cloth that's basically lint free would work. I use old cotton t shirts often.
