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Now The Pope's Plane Gets Hit with a Laser....

And as usual nothing bad even happened. Just more negative propaganda:scowl:
No blinded pilots, no flaming wrecks, just more panic by the uninformed. Not that it's ok to ever shine lasers at planes, but I think the media are blowing these incidents way out of proportion.
They need something to talk about. Simply shouting the word "Sensationalism" doesn't seem to work for some reason.

But yeah, just don't point at aircraft. Why are there idiots still doing this?
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They need something to talk about. Simply shouting the word "Sensationalism" doesn't seem to work for some reason.

But yeah, just don't point at aircraft. Why are there idiots still doing this?
I'd bet that 90% of the cases aren't even people trying to be malicious. Just some dumb kids playing around with one of those cheapo $10/50mw lasers off ebay. They think it's cool or w/e when they realize they can hit planes with it and they don't even think of why it might be bad. This is an inevitable consequence of the falling price of powerful lasers.
They have a coating for aircraft windshields that block laser strikes, also pilots could have auto darkening shades just like the welders glass.

I wonder if pilots are reporting every little flash even if its not pointed at them?

This is why I say wait until there is zero aircraft in the sky, I often cant play stargazer at all until 2AM, but that's just how it is, and they are asking people to call in when they see someone pointing a laser at planes, even offering a reward I think. So even as 99.999% of us are safe we could still get harassed because of idiots, so I recommend keeping it below the radar so to speak.
It said they "sighted" a laser. It did not say the Pope's plane was "hit" by one. They did mention the questionable Virgin Atlantic incident.

It's Mexico, does anyone expect any better from them? I'm sorry, I just don't have a great deal of respect for Mexico given the cartels, illegals, and unjust treatment of American citizens whenever one of us breaks a law down there. The sooner Trump builds the wall the better.

This is just the usual BS propaganda and bald faced lies, nothing to see here.
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I can't support color filters for airliner windows because so much of what the pilots need to see is color-coded. All flights are going to be IFR (instrument flight rules) regardless but in the event of instrument failure, crucial ground equipment e.g. the Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) are color coded. The VASI helps pilots on visual approach maintain the proper glide slope for landing.

"Red over white, you're all right. White over red, you're on your head. Red over red, you're going to be dead."

Color filters will mess with color perception; if an airliner is forced to land visually it means the pilots have enough problems already. They don't need "remembering adjusted colors" added to the mix, that will get people killed.
Unfortunately, it seems pointing a laser at a plane is just as tempting to an idiot as a cat is unable to stop from chasing a laser dot. We are doomed, I can see that... Might be awhile, but it's coming. Stupid thing to do, I always take extra time to make sure there are no airplanes in sight if I am going to use my laser outside and these brainless slime molds try to find planes to point at.

Edit: I have a prediction, this individual is so dumb, once he understands whose plane he was pointing at from the news, he is going to tell someone he did it and they will tell so many people it catches up to him.
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Edit: I have a prediction, this individual is so dumb, once he understands whose plane he was pointing at from the news, he is going to tell someone he did it and they will tell so many people it catches up to him.

He may even be Catholic and confess.

