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Mar 28, 2011
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

There's not a single chance that those two lasers have cosmetic wear unless you damaged them yourself. I have literally used those lasers three or four times tops, and kept the viper in the original box every single time after use. The spartan laser was kept in another box with foam on every side. Really, this is some fucking bullshit.

Here is a part of the PM you sent me regarding the two lasers, glad I keep all my PM's saved:

"Ik heb overigens vandaag de lasers ontvangen, en ze zien er super goed uit, ''als nieuw''.

Hartstikke bedankt voor dit

Mocht je het willen weten, De spartan doet 130mW en de Viper 70mW."

Translated for English people:

"I received the lasers today by the way, and they look very good, "as if they were new".

Thank you very much for this

In case you would like the know, The spartan does 130mW and the viper 70mW."

This is my last post regarding anything other than the sale of my lasers, I'm more than sick of getting shit on for things that simply aren't true.

*lol Updated*

Not talking about the spartan or viper,

But about the GLP 593 and the empty host that was white powdercoated...

Both shipped to a friend in the US..

Those two have comsetic wear that wasn't mentioned or shown in a picture.
The GLP came with the glass knocked out, and near the tailcap there is wear.
The powdercoated host had chips of paint missing.

The viper and spartan are both good indeed :)

Now i don't want to make a big deal out of it..... all i'm trying to say is that as much info as possible (whether it be text or a close up picture) is something that should be mentioned.
Otherwise you get responds like this :)
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Nov 18, 2014
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

I don't have a Fucking Spartan... to start with...

I have the glp 593 and a empty host powdercoated (wich i both buyed as a gift to a friend, both have wear on them..

So no idea what lasers you talk about huh ^^

clearly you are mistaken me for someone else..

The host has never been used, nor damaged. I sent it the way I got it. You may have found wear on it, but that definitely wasn't caused by me. I have another one of practically the same host here that has about the same "wear" on it. Didn't bother me much as I got it that way. For the GLP, I was the 3rd or 4th owner. Of course it has slight wear. Nothing big though. I even got a rep from the guy you gave it too, he was very happy with it and told me it was in excellent condition.

*Edited out*
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Mar 28, 2011
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

You might want to edit the text or delete it as i just eddited it :)

I actually forgot that i got those two myself ^^

Was talking about the other two, (see above )
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Nov 18, 2014
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

You might want to edit the text or delete it as i just eddited it :)

I actually forgot that i got those two myself ^^

Alright, will be done. No problem. Hope we can move on from this now. If there's anything that you want to discuss about something not being the way you expected it to be, please PM me about it. I'm always up for finding a solution.

You said in a previous reply that the GLP had glass knocked out. Could you elaborate on that? I know there was an IR filter glued to the cap at the end, was that what was knocked out? Cause it was still on there when I packaged it. I tested it seconds before packaging it. Anyways, if something's wrong with it we can definitely work something out.

For the close-up pictures, like I said earlier, I ask people to PM me if they want close-up pictures as the thread tends to get too big with close up pictures of every laser. If a member then proceeds in buying it without actually knowing whether the laser looks as the member expects it to look, because he/she did not ask for more pictures, then I can't really help it.
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Mar 28, 2011
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

Alright, will be done. No problem. Hope we can move on from this now. If there's anything that you want to discuss about something not being the way you expected it to be, please PM me about it. I'm always up for finding a solution.

Like i said, it's not a big deal.. and the person i gifted them to is happy with them, and that's what counts in the end...

Still i thought it was something worth mentioning.


Nov 18, 2014
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

Like i said, it's not a big deal.. and the person i gifted them to is happy with them, and that's what counts in the end...

Still i thought it was something worth mentioning.

Definitely good you mentioned it. Thanks for that. Would you tell me what part exactly was knocked out of the laser? It was probably caused by shipping and the rather hard foam box I shipped it in (the original box you get from CNI). I could also ask Alex, the former owner of the 593 if he had noticed anything being a little loose. I haven't unscrewed anything from the laser other than the battery cap, so in case there was something loose, I wouldn't have know.
Mar 28, 2011
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

Definitely good you mentioned it. Thanks for that. Would you tell me what part exactly was knocked out of the laser? It was probably caused by shipping and the rather hard foam box I shipped it in (the original box you get from CNI). I could also ask Alex, the former owner of the 593 if he had noticed anything being a little loose. I haven't unscrewed anything from the laser other than the battery cap, so in case there was something loose, I wouldn't have know.

The glas coated protection window on the front cap was loose.
But it's ok, nothing to do about it in the end....
Allready glad it arrived in the first place :wave:


Nov 18, 2014
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

The glas coated protection window on the front cap was loose.
But it's ok, nothing to do about it in the end....
Allready glad it arrived in the first place :wave:

Maybe it's been loose the whole time. Still quite strange. Luckily it doesn't affect the laser itself. Glad it arrived indeed. So far haven't had any issues with shipping lasers to the US. 589nm arrived without any trouble too.
Jul 3, 2015
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection (Post edited)

I just saw this. I had heard that driver's licensure was expensive. I know that cab drivers in England have to pass a really difficult test. What you paid for your drivers license is more than I paid to get my visual pilots rating! Unbelievable. Too bad you can't do what we do here in the US when the going gets tough....head to the Pawn shop. yes, they charge a bit more interest than they should...but you will get your property back. I think I would feel guilty buying something that you really like.
Jul 3, 2015
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection (Post edited)


2k for it.Long story short; if you're a quick learner and don't mess up you're probably done for 1.1-1.2k. If you're average, expect to pay nearly 2 k
I just saw this. I had heard that your driver's licensure was going to be expensive. I know that cab drivers in England have to pass a really difficult test and pay a fortune.

What you are talking about paying your drivers license is more than I paid to get my visual pilots rating AND some of my instrument training!

Unbelievable. Too bad you can't do what we do here in the US when the going gets tough....head to the Pawn shop. yes, they charge a bit more interest than they should...but you will get your property back. I think I would feel guilty buying something that you really like.
May 16, 2015
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

Interested in the Ehgemus host. PM sent.
Jul 3, 2015
Re: For sale: Everything in my laser collection PRICE DROPS

I see we have a dispute which brings to bear various diverse thoughts/quotes:
Neither a borrow nor a lender be...particularly between friends.
The customer is always right.
Let the buyer beware.

That game of "telephone" we played as kids, beginning the line whispering "tomato" and by the end, the last person says it was "carrot."

Generally, I buy all my stuff from big, name stores...something my late father taught me simply because they have their reputation. I have been able to return all sorts of stuff as a result. If something is damaged in shipping, insurance will pay or the item can be returned.

In a situation such as this the truth may lie, as it usually does, somewhere in the middle.

I would hope/trust anything I purchased from someone would arrive exactly as represented. However, one cannot account for an imperfection perceived differently by seller and buyer.

My mother had a best friend. I am a friend of her eldest son and my brother of her youngest. When the best friend died, my brother wanted to lend the youngest son the money to purchase the condo his mother had lived since for several reasons he could not easily get a mortgage. I happened to also be friendly with the younger son. However, I told my brother NOT to do it saying, "do you really want to be his banker. How would you feel if something went wrong?" He decided I was right. The younger son was able to work something out and kept the condo. All ended well. Sure, the deal might have worked but was it worth their friendship?

I have been in similar situations. I think it best not to mix business with friendship. One might eventually lose to the other.
