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  • Hi,

    Since my Nichia 9mm (3.5 W diode + 4 Amp Buck Type Driver + G-2 Focusing lens) in a copper heat sink (housed in a large aluminium flashlight) run out of order, I'd like to replace it with a MX900 with SXD Driver 4.5 Amp to peak 6 to 7 W, as you describe in the topic http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/7-watt-nubm44-mx900-build-94912.html

    Some questions :
    1 - You use two eFest 2500mAh 20A/35A batteries. Do you think the MX900+SXD dirver would support a couple of Ultrafire 26650 7200mAh 3,7V ?
    2 - Wich provider could deliver a MX900 and other components ?
    3 - Alternative : do you build it for people who ask ?
    4 - Ca you give a price estimation ?

    I'm a photographer, and I use it to align long distance lenses, so It's important for me to replace it.

    Hello! I'm super new to all of this, but I really want to start learning more, and get my own laser.

    I saw one of your posts, and was wondering if we could work something out.

    You made these, and they look really cool!

    I have a 3D Printer, and want to make my own enclosure, but currently need help building the actual laser.

    If you'd be willing, I'll pay you for parts and time to build one for me, and mail it to me.

    Please let me know, and thank you for taking the time to read this!
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