Re: FS: My New 'Pocket Mini' Lasers! - Blu-Ray or
Laser Ben, your custom 6X mod is ready to ship. It is sweet! Here are the pictures...
You got a really nice 6X diode in there to be putting out 203mW's through an AixiZ acrylic lens at only 191mA's current!
I was surprised! I even went and double checked the current setting. 191mA's...
About the FlexDirve:
It is a constant current boost circuit that will regulate the current (set at 191mA's) exactly. As long as you have a minimum of 2.5 volts. Max voltage for the FlexDrive is 5.5 volts.
So make sure you PSU is with-in this voltage range. This build is also perfect for a portable set up using a variety of battery configurations. Example:
2 X AAA, 3 X AAA (or AA, C, D)
Not 4 X 1.5 volt batteries - too much voltage.
Also a 3.0 volt lithium battery like the Pocket Mini, or a 3.6 volt rechargeable of any size!
If you use a conservative duty cycle, such as 1 min. on / 30 sec. off, this power setting should last a good while with the 6X...
P.S. According to some testing that IgorT has been doing, a duty cycle may not even be needed at this power, but obviously, if you use a conservative duty cycle, It will be just that much better on your diode!