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FrozenGate by Avery

New Style 200MW Red Laser New / 650NM Glasses

Some of the comments seem to be taking a very negative tone which doesn't make LPF shine very brightly(pun intended :)). He is well aware at this point that quite a few people think his price is too high for the laser and goggles to sell. Any further posts to keep repeating the same thing over and over again is useless and is only going to push this thread even further toward the negative side.

Only time will tell if he sells his laser and googles or not. He will end up reducing price at some point if they don't sell or abandon the sale on his own. There really isn't a need to post that prices are too high. They will figure this out on their own eventually. If you want to make a lower offer then PM them is all that is needed. You never know though... someone might want one of these type lasers and be willing to pay his price for it. Honestly if I were looking for one of these I would have considered trying to negotiate with him about it.

I personally don't think comments like this are needed. Sellers will figure this out on their own. I really don't think we need to clutter up for sale postings will comments about the price. PMs would probably be a better way to go.

I know I am relatively new here and can only speak for myself but I hope all of the users here try to be considerate when posting.

On topic though. These are nice lasers. The dot is well defined on the dildas from what I have seen on other threads.

People simply mentioned that the high prices because there are newbies around who don´t know that the price´s this guy selling his stuff is a bad price compared to the same NEW on o-like. Not everybody read the basic threads here like "A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser" or several company threads. They are looking around than "ah seemed to be a good offer!!" and buy it.
Maybe you grudge this guy here such a business, but I want to prevent newbies from such BAD deals!

I do understand the general idea of the posts. Protecting new people is a noble goal. Nothing wrong with that IMHO. If someone is not being truthful or trying to hide what laser they are selling to make a big profit on it I definitely would see a need to speak up in the thread.

The seller did list where he bought the laser from but his prices were pretty high. I would hope that people buying the laser would at least research what laser they are buying by a simple search on olike's website. Even with that though I do agree that a post saying his prices are too high was the right thing to do.

The point of the high price was made within the first few posts. He did finally reduce his prices to around the same price as what o-like sells them for. At that point I think the comments started getting pretty bad and was not necessary IMHO. The prices were reduced to an ok range. I am basing that off of the fact that I personally might buy a laser off of someone that just got it but can ship it from the US for the same price or even slightly higher to make up for their shipping cos. For example... if someone gets a gatlin laser from o-like and wants to sell it... pm me :). The worth of something is in the eye of the buyer when it comes down to it.

This is all opinion. I know that not everyone will agree with me. That is of course ok and I like to see others opinions. I know that my opinion is not correct because there is no one right or wrong. Just trying to state my opinions on this because the thread seemed to be getting pretty negative.

I will stop now because I am way off topic. Now back to trying to dig up information on how to use a lathe :).

Oh... and bump for a nice laser :).
