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FrozenGate by Avery

New site live - please report any questions/issues here

Same, I would like to be able to edit large threads like as before.
At the moment I have Pr:PAYAC (Pr: PAYAC) with a :P in them and I can't do nothing about it. :D
What the #$^% are 'trophy points'? Are they the new 'class I laser' 'Class II laser'....etc. ? Ah ha, now I'm an 'Active member'

And will I need to re-upload photos to my albums or will those get copied over to the new site?
Very minor issue, but it seems all animated gif avatars no longer play. It just shows one frozen frame, so for now I changed my avatar as the previous one doesn't make much sense without the animation playing. :D
Trophy points was a surprise to me too, but they seem like automatic rewards for hitting certain achievements.
It is a shame that animated avatars aren't supported.
I'm with you on those points Rich... Hard on the
old eyes... That's one of the reasons I don't spend
a lot of time on PL per sitting.

- There seems to be no way of Deleting PMs.
- What happened to member's Post Counts under
their Avatar ?
-The Smilies are limited... What will happen to all
the posts that used the old ones. Will they now be
trashed ??

seems like the Join Date...Total Posts(Messages)
and Likes now show up under Members Avatars.
Thanks Ave.


I agree---it is really uncomfortable and hard to look at for any length of time.
The old system worked very much better in several ways and everyone was used to it however XenForo is flexible and customizable.
We'll just have to see how it evolves--I hope it doesn't have an overall negative effect on LPF
I've just had to change my signature image and some of my graphs to allow for this new all white colour scheme.
I do prefer a darker theme. But I suppose it is not the end of the world.
The new voting system is much better for my understanding, because i am able to vote "like" much more to posts as i could before. It was not nice in the past to be not able to rep+ to good und nice work of members.
I very much agree. Also say goodbye to inflation.
You also can like private messages and profile messages too.
Hi, Encap,
Personally lets just go back to what we are all familiar with, I really dont like it the Black theme was better. The older format was fine like I said before . The white screen makes me wear sunglasses when I log on. To many changes CaCa !!
( If it isn't broke don't fix it )

Same, I would like to be able to edit large threads like as before.
At the moment I have Pr:pAYAC (Pr: PAYAC) with a :p in them and I can't do nothing about it. :D

Trying using the PLAIN tags? Yes PITA, but at least if you need to combine ":" and "P" it wont render an emoji.

Going to be a learning curve for some - just trying to help out if possible.
If you click on HELP in the footer of the site - there is a list of BB Codes- here is direct link: https://laserpointerforums.com/help/bb-codes/
