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FrozenGate by Avery

New O-Like Blu-Ray Diode Housing with Glass Lens

Re: New O-Like Blu-Ray Diode Housing with Glass Le

Yeah... I've got a Jay build 405nm lens... I have a Larry build 405nm lens on
the way and I have an O-Like 405nm Module/Lens on the way as well... 8-)


Re: New O-Like Blu-Ray Diode Housing with Glass Le

Lasersbee, how would I use it to produce the tightest beam at 1500+ meters?
Re: New O-Like Blu-Ray Diode Housing with Glass Le


To produce a tight beam @ 1500 meters, you will need a lot of expensive optics.

IMO, you would need:

1. Hi-Power lens assembly ($54)

2. Beam Expander (6X or greater - several hundred $)

3. 25 mm Collimating Lens ( Larger Diameter than #1 ~ $75)

That's just an estimate of the optical needs.

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Re: New O-Like Blu-Ray Diode Housing with Glass Le

What exactly does "tightest possible beam" mean? Just running your laser beam through a 10x or 20x telescope (into the eyepiece, out the front lens) should give some good results after proper alignment and focusing.
