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New High Power Red VSHIO HL63283HD LD

Feb 25, 2010
Well, we finally have a new High Power Multimode Red @ 635nm...That being the VSHIO HL632383HD. See attached Data Sheet and pics of my initial optical attempts to tame the divergence on this diode.

Well...Success !! I can get the divergence down to equal that of the P73....( around 1.0 mRad ). The LD is rated for 1.2 W cont./1.5W pulse. I am sure we can push it to ....er.....maybe 1.8W
or maybe 2W...Yes...

Brightest and tightest single Red LD I have ever powered up. I did not run past 1.6A @ 2.7 VDC. A great output of beautiful Red Photons !!!

Of course....one must use Cylindrical lenses....and a 2mm EFL Collimation lens...so what !! 2W in a ultra small single LD...with a relatively tight beam !!:drool::drool::drool:

I am sure DTR will have these shortly. Right now...$ 100 per LD...but you know how the price drops !!!!

I will be refining the optical set up and pushing the current....not sure how high....likely I will max out at 1.8A

I will watch the output as the current is increased...like DTR does. And I will be looking for the knee....where a diminishing return on Power Output is noted.

See the pics. !!

Enjoy the ride !!


Added...Oh...And...This....will be the Red LD engine in the Chartruse Corusication build....one can never have too much red....Hmmm 1.4W outa the NDG7475....and 1.6 W outa the HL632383HD....as my hero Austin Powers would say..." Yea Baby" !! 3W of Lime Green.... at our peak luminosity sensitivity line...outa be bright enough !!! Ya just cannot get more " Bang for your Buck " at this wavelength !!!


  • HL63283HD Data Sheet.pdf
    HL63283HD Data Sheet.pdf
    108.9 KB · Views: 57
  • HL63283HD Initial Test 1.jpg
    HL63283HD Initial Test 1.jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 254
  • HL63283HD Initial Test 2.jpg
    HL63283HD Initial Test 2.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 235
  • HL63283HD Initial Test 3.jpg
    HL63283HD Initial Test 3.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 239
  • HL63283HD Initial Test 4.jpg
    HL63283HD Initial Test 4.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 195
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Nice, Bob. I couldn't find the data sheet, but it looks good for a highly diverging 635nm diode. You said you were able to tame the divergence down to the same as the P73. Is that the ML501P73 with the awful divergence specs? That part is a bit confusing to me.
Hi Paul,

Look up in my signature...Dragon's Head Build...back in 2014....The P73 was tamed down to about 1.0 mRad with that build !! I believe this LD is at about that ! Doing more tests now.

Data Sheet is below the pics.

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Ah, thanks. And the explanation makes perfect sense now. It was confusing in the first post because you didn't link it to the corrected P73. :D
Can’t find that diode on ebay yet, I do like the typical divergence for a red WL diode at that power output.
Can’t find that diode on ebay yet, I do like the typical divergence for a red WL diode at that power output.

Has been around for a while.

Is on eBay now: https://www.ebay.com/itm/USHIO-HL63283HD-638nm-1200mW-Laser-Diode-/122464945962

If you search the part number in the LPF Custom Search you find several threads about it going back to 2016.

RedCowboy was talking about it in post #28 in this 11/2016 thread: https://laserpointerforums.com/f41/techhood-anyone-have-experienced-them-95988-2.html
I see, Robert fat fingered an extra digit in the part number (inside the post, not the subject line) so ebay didn't know what it was. I remember that one now, nice diode, just so happens I've been looking into red diodes this week, found a nice 12.7 mm PBS cube with AR coating and low loss on ebay I've been considering, if I can get a host built with a chamber to install it with two diodes.
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Ah HA...And I thought this LD was "a new kid on the block"....well...that is not so !!.....anyway....seems this is the first that investigations have been posted regarding optical correction. No doubt that some of the Projector manufacture's have tinkered with it. Possibly, the Near Field expansion delivered due the correction optics...make this LD unsuitable for the scanner mirrors....so it was another dead end for them.

I will add that the diode is proving to more difficult to tame as far as having less of a clean output. This means...it has trails and artifacts that present after correction...above and below the main beam.

I will try a output mask to remove/trim this garbage. The use of a output mask was seen in the Dragon Head build.

As a review, for those that give a RA...Trails and artifacts are a result of aberrations introduced by the correction optics. Veil like spikes appear above and below the main beam. Sometimes, very minor pitch adjustment of the PCX Cylindrical lens reduce these aberrations. An output mask surly trims them off with minimal loss of power to the optical output.

Anyway...I will continue to experiment and report back.

As to the question of cost of the correction optics. Well.....school is still out. Depends if a Doublet of the PCV optic is demanded or not.

LaserShow parts sells the 2mmEFL Collimation lens for about $ 30. As far as the Cylindrical's.....$ 60 -$120 depending on the design needed.

"Hammering the Beam" comes with a price...and alignment/focus in this application is just a real PITA. But then, most good things come with a price.

I have a 12.7 mm PBS cube that has been in my stock. It is AR coated for 633nm to 638nm. I figured I could use it to combine two 635nm-638nm laser diodes or as a beam splitter in holography.
I continue to do battle with this 63283 diode. I find the standard P73 or 63193 seems to deliver slightly less divergence....and definitely less artifacts........ 2mm EFL Colli, Pitch adjustment of the PCV and PCX, Doublet of the PCV, Unicorn Horn....No luck. I have tried various 6X Cylindrical lens sets I have....No Luck also.

Perhaps....this 63283 LD will find a home in my Solar Prominence Project ( Still under construction...Sheeez ).....a specialized Lumia projector.....where artifacts and divergence....are the end game !!!.....so...it does not matter !!!

Anyway, Sort of a FAC lense ( Not gonna happen ).....seems as though the P73/63193 still are the Red GoTo.

Any changes I will post here !!

man i cant wait until we get these power levels with 650nm diodes. and not just c-mounts, like something that would fit nicely in a handheld would be great. ive been longing for a deeper red thats actually more than 200mw for the longest time lol!

edit: 250 posts yay!
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I'm sorry to hear that, Bob. I guess your problems become my warning not to go there myself.

On a different note, this is a 635nm LD not a 650nm one. PBS two?! Twice the problems.
