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New Gadget - 355/532/1064 Q-Switched YAG

Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

The offer to dispose of this thing is still good, I will even pay double what you paid for it (e: I know, that's a very low offer for what it's worth, and I also know you wouldn't let go of it for multiples. Great find!).
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Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

The offer to dispose of this thing is still good, I will even pay double what you paid for it (e: I know, that's a very low offer for what it's worth, and I also know you wouldn't let go of it for multiples. Great find!).


Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

Looks good diachi. :yh:


Thanks Hap! :beer:

That is amazing. And I am soooo jealous. Man, I just got called down for suggesting someone try eBay to get a UV laser like this one, and you have it all working. :na:

Haha! Luck of the draw I guess? Glad it ended up being more than just parts! The luck will be in your favor one day! :D

The offer to dispose of this thing is still good, I will even pay double what you paid for it (e: I know, that's a very low offer for what it's worth, and I also know you wouldn't let go of it for multiples. Great find!).


Now I need to find time to put up my 495 build thread.
Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

Nice, can you get 532nm output out of this unit? Everything looks perfect inside, happy for you :beer:
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Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

Nice, can you get 532nm output out of this unit? Everything looks perfect inside, happy for you :beer:

Going to attempt to get 532nm out, possibly today. I haven't had it running with the cover off yet so I'm not entirely sure how the resonator is set up.

Looking at it from a purely mechanical point of view it looks like they're doing extra-cavity SHG/THG, in which case the 532nm/1064nm is in the output, it's just being dumped inside of the head at the filter. I'll be able to tell immediately once I have it running with the cover off.

Will update again once I get to that point! May try and squeeze that in during my lunch break. :beer:
Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

Aaaaand we have green! (Sorry for the double post!)

My earlier assumption was correct, the final optics are just a telescope and filter to dump the 1064/532. The only negative side effect of removing the filter is that it changes the length of the beam path, resulting in worse divergence as the telescope is no longer the correct length. I may be able to adjust that.

With the internal cavity dust/light cover still in place:



Output filter/telescope, internal cover moved back:


Internal cover removed, top view (Some 808nm visible at the bottom):






View from the front:


Filter removed:


The dot looks cyan due to the combination of blue fluorescence from the paper and green from the 532nm out:



Terminated on a heatsink, no fluorescence:


Bad quality beam shot, I'll try and get a better once when it gets dark later:


Quick video, adjusting the output frequency. Ignore the beeping, that's just my signal generator:

YouTube killed the quality, perhaps they're doing some processing and it'll improve later.

Let me know if you have any questions, hope everyone has enjoyed the thread! :)
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Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

I am looking forward to seeing this run with the covers off. I wonder how much power at 532nm you will have before it is THG turned into 355nm. It would be great if you could somehow change it to output either 532nm or 355nm. Not terribly interested in 1064nm. :yh:

Edit: I see while I was typing this you posted all I asked for.
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Re: New Gadget - 355nm Q-Switched YAG

I am looking forward to seeing this run with the covers off. I wonder how much power at 532nm you will have before it is THG turned into 355nm. It would be great if you could somehow change it to output either 532nm or 355nm. Not terribly interested in 1064nm. :yh:

You must have been replying when I posted the last update ;) Check the thread again! :D


Yes, I'd like to have some way to switch between 355 and 532. Perhaps a prism on a stepper motor attached at the output somewhere.

I could remove the THG crystal and get just 532nm and 1064nm out, but just now it's doing all three at the same time. I too wonder what power it's doing now and what power it could do with the THG stage removed. Re-aligning the THG stage if I ever wanted to reinstall it would be a pain...
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I did. In fact, after it posted and I saw the new photos, I edited mine to thank you for the photos. You are one lucky son of a $%&#@. :D
I did. In fact, after it posted and I saw the new photos, I edited mine to thank you for the photos. You are one lucky son of a $%&#@. :D

Here's something to make you even more jealous! :D

I fixed the divergence! Removed the output mask, moved the convex lens on the telescope forward and the concave lens towards the back, just enough space to move both one place. Putting out one hell of a tight beam now!


Long exposure:


Please ignore my messy coffee table, I've been enjoying some left over Easter ham...
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Ugly green color, junk I tell ya, junk! Did you get my PM with my address to send it to yet?
Oh, I am beginning to hate you, diachi. That is just way too lucky. All that for a couple hundred dollars?! $&#@*!@$%#!!!
Here's something to make you even more jealous! :D

I fixed the divergence! Removed the output mask, moved the convex lens on the telescope forward and the concave lens towards the back, just enough space to move both one place. Putting out one hell of a tight beam now!

Long exposure:

Please ignore my messy coffee table, I've been enjoying some left over Easter ham...

Ugly green color, junk I tell ya, junk! Did you get my PM with my address to send it to yet?

Oh, I am beginning to hate you, diachi. That is just way too lucky. All that for a couple hundred dollars?! $&#@*!@$%#!!!

No, just NO!!

You should send that toxic green emitting piece of waste over here!!
We are specialiced to handle that kind of waste material.. That electromagnetic radiation will harm you!! Don't believe me, See Olkiluoto Onkalo waste dump >>

:D :D

Did I just saw floppy discs over there ^---^ :crackup:
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No, just NO!!

You should send that toxic green emitting piece of waste over here!!
We are specialiced to handle that kind of waste material.. That electromagnetic radiation will harm you!! Don't believe me, See <b>Olkiluoto Onkalo w
aste dump >></b>


:D :D

Did I just saw floppy discs over there ^---^ :crackup:

I'll just catapult it into the forest, no one will ever find it here. I promise it'll be disposed of properly. :crackup:

Good eye on those floppy disks! :crackup: I found a brand new, unopened pack at work so I took them home to use as coasters. I've got loads more here at the office. Keep finding the damn things everywhere. :crackup:

Very Nice , How much info can you get over the RS232 interface ?

I'll grab a screenshot later, but so far I can get internal clock frequency (Q-switch internal trigger), diode current, diode temperature, crystal temperature, shot count and some other stuff. I'm going to need to do some more digging around in the serial interface to see if I can change any of the parameters present there.
