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FrozenGate by Avery

New drivers coming!


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2019
Along with wishes for 2022, I bring you an addition to my driver family, Why choose between buck or boost when you can have both?
Introducing the BB1000AJ(BuckBoost1000[mA]Ajustable) after popular demand from my customers!

Features never before seen in a driver! 11 turn multiturn potentiometer for extremely fine adjustments down from microamps to 100s of mA, tuned for providing higher resolution to the lower ranges where most needed with a linear increase as the current set increases.
A constant current set up to 1A with a compliance voltage of 5.35v, Perfect for driving the sharp 600mW 525s from 1 Cell!
Reverse polarity protection to keep your mind at ease.
Quality components, Just the potentiometer and IC cost 10$ wholesale!
Enable pin equipped for external switching, 1mhz switching frequency, Soft start enabled, no-load protection and overtemperature protection, what more could you need in a driver!

The projected cost due to the high component cost is around 25 euros or 28$. Thanks for your time!

They will come pre-tested with test reports and set to 55mA, customer can also request the desired current at no extra charge, will be available in 2 ranges: a 30mA-500mA low range and a 55mA-1A high range.
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Small update: Ordered the pre-production PCBs, expected to arrive in late Feb. The prototypes work extremely well. I will post a video showcasing the fine current adjust as soon as I get my new camera In the coming week or so. Edit, along with the driver PCBs I ordered the version 2 test jig I have designed exclusively for testing my drivers.
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Small update: Ordered the pre-production PCBs, expected to arrive in late Feb. The prototypes work extremely well. I will post a video showcasing the fine current adjust as soon as I get my new camera In the coming week or so.
cool! im exited for the new drivers!
What are the physical dimensions?
Right, I forgot to note them down, sorry, they are 9.5mm wide by 15.7mm, remember this is the pre-release layout and as such, I may come up with ways to further reduce size when I'm done testing and start selling but even at the current size it can fit into a 12mm module! The main thing behind the size is that 11 turn multiport,

Here it's highlighted on the CAD.
Hi, :)
What kind of IC are you using? I'm thinking of a lot of ways of Buck, Buck-Boost and Boost converters for which I make my own designs so out of curiosity I'm asking what you use here.
For the future though, I'll show a couple of inverter types for given laser diode types and different voltages from LiOn power supply to 12 - 48v power supply.
I don't know what's so complicated about it... Found some IC Buck-Boost on Farnell, Mouser etc.. then drew it in KiCad and made PCB... In two hours done. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
PS: Will you grind the type designation of the IC? :D
I don't know what's so complicated about it... Found some IC Buck-Boost on Farnell, Mouser etc.. then drew it in KiCad and made PCB... In two hours done. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
PS: Will you grind the type designation of the IC? :D
Ah I see that you might have never actually relished a product into the market by yourself, as you pointed out, yes, making "A" design is not hard, relatively speaking, whilst making a valid product is where hard work gets put in, said first design is referred as a prototype, you make it, fully characterize it, toy around and implement ideas on improving it for a 2nd prototype or the release, depending on how well your first prototype worked if at all. In the prototyping phase, I fully characterize the v0 which I refer to as the prototype, iron out any issues, run extensive tests and absolute max tests for the datasheet and combine all of that progress and work to form a production-ready(not really since I hand assemble each and every driver in line with my philosophy with a target of quality and customer satisfaction. No complaints received as of now with over 100 units sold) driver or work on the v2 of the prototype and repeat the cycle as many times as needed to form a production-ready circuit.

Regarding your PS, yes I do because I have noticed subtle tendencies of people that will remain unmentioned in the past trying to copy my design as I post my layouts for 100% transparency and to improve repairability/troubleshooting for the end customer if need be. I am always on call to help out if they burn their ic by example sorting something that is not the output or input cause I have protections in place for that, by shipping them a new IC at wholesale price.

PS: as of now, I have ordered the version 2 of the prototypes seen above to fully test and iron out any issues that may or may not arise before I start selling.
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Oh, well :D it sounds quite funny when you write here that it's development as if it's for the army. I'm an electronics engineer and I design many more complex projects around switching power supplies and you're bragging about something that's straight from DataSheet.. how funny, however if you're so clinging to your claim, don't post your PCB design here either :) there are people like me who can figure out what kind of IC it is from the design..
Anyway very nice current source with BuckBoost converter with common inductor working at 1Mhz.. Can it do anything more than work in current mode ? :) what about when the load is disconnected... do you have protection there ? I doubt it.
Oh, well :D it sounds quite funny when you write here that it's development as if it's for the army. I'm an electronics engineer and I design many more complex projects around switching power supplies and you're bragging about something that's straight from DataSheet.. how funny, however if you're so clinging to your claim, don't post your PCB design here either :) there are people like me who can figure out what kind of IC it is from the design..
Anyway very nice current source with BuckBoost converter with common inductor working at 1Mhz.. Can it do anything more than work in current mode ? :) what about when the load is disconnected... do you have protection there ? I doubt it.
Good on you for applying reverse engineering 101, all E.E can find out the ic easily by just looking at the specs I posted dunno why you are going on about it like it would win you a Nobel price, bragging? Chief I just explained my process calm your horses and yes it does have internal protection that clamps the voltage to a safe level in order to not destroy itself upon a load disconnection. Also why brag about your skills, good on you but who asked? Got insecurities or something? Don't put in effort to respond as it should not take up your, I'd imagine very valuable time as an EE
Good on you for applying reverse engineering 101, all E.E can find out the ic easily by just looking at the specs I posted dunno why you are going on about it like it would win you a Nobel price, bragging? Chief I just explained my process calm your horses and yes it does have internal protection that clamps the voltage to a safe level in order to not destroy itself upon a load disconnection. Also why brag about your skills, good on you but who asked? Got insecurities or something? Don't put in effort to respond as it should not take up your, I'd imagine very valuable time as an EE
Some people haven’t learned social skills yet. Seems to be a common thing among “ laser nerds” lol! I’ve been here quite some time, I’ve noticed some can be really confrontational. Yea, it all boils down to insecurity or some other weird incel type shit I seriously doubt they would ever talk like this to your face.

Thanks for making more drivers. They are sorely needed.
Oh, well :D it sounds quite funny when you write here that it's development as if it's for the army. I'm an electronics engineer and I design many more complex projects around switching power supplies and you're bragging about something that's straight from DataSheet.. how funny, however if you're so clinging to your claim, don't post your PCB design here either :) there are people like me who can figure out what kind of IC it is from the design..
Anyway very nice current source with BuckBoost converter with common inductor working at 1Mhz.. Can it do anything more than work in current mode ? :) what about when the load is disconnected... do you have protection there ? I doubt it.
GTFO of here with your negative, condescending attitude. What contribution are you making other than making yourself look like an ass?

Seriously, if you talked like that to someone in real life you would eventually get your ass beat. Probably not even a EE lol! Even if you were you wouldn’t last long with your asshole attitude.
