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FrozenGate by Avery

New build 520nm in a Husky pen + bonus


Nov 28, 2012
This build is made from a diode that Styro sent me since he forgot to send a couple things I purchased from him in his sales thread. He said the diode is a 90mW 520nm but other than that I don't know what exact diode it is. Upon testing it started to drop back in output around the 114mW mark so I set it for just over 100mW. 100mW of 520nm is plenty of output for that wavelength.
I also built another unit in that same Husky pen from Home Depot as it was the last LPC-826 I had. It outputs just over 400mW with the Eitan lens. Both of them have that same lens although the 520nm will be changed out for a 3-element or maybe a 2-element or Podo G7 as its a crappy line/dot. Beams look really nice though:)

The host is the one I mentioned here that I found at Home Depot and is still available for about $8.
Husky 60 Lumen LED Unbreakable Aluminum Pen Light with Clip 99396 at The Home Depot - Mobile

It's a really friendly to use host for either 1 or 2 10440 as it fits a standard module in the head with just enough room to isolate it if you are building a case negative or positive build.

Here's the flashlight and some taken apart pics. It was put together much better than most at this price. You need needle nose pliers to unscrew different sections:
Here's the 3 looks. It only comes in black and you can see the difference between having the slip on rubber front on and off and how the one I built as a 520nm looks after bead blasting that my very good friend Jeff (Bow) did for me. So sorry as some of the pics are a bit blurry. I've got to figure out what I'm doing wrong as this camera is actually pretty good (Canon S3 is)


The third one is a different one that I had Jeff also bead blast for me and I was going to use that for an NDB7242E but the diode arrived DOA:( You can see all the parts though that you remove for the Husky. There are 3 separate times that you have to unscrew pieces instead of them just being pressed in. I actually bought 2 more of them because they have a lot of character to them and are built well. Of course Jeff was sent one along with some other things. Please don't go begging him to bead blast your stuff. You can ask but I don't think he wants to get into doing a lot of that stuff. We are very good friends and send each other things all the time.



I used an s-mini adjusted to about 350mA and checked the output to make sure it was just over 100mW with the driver before putting it all together. Have to cut down the the module back half so there's enough room for the host body to screw in all the way. If you do it right it all comes together great.


You end up with:



Here's some shots of putting together a case - 826 (660nm). The driver is from a Fasttech 532nm module that I set for over 600mA to to hit just over 400mW with the Eitan lens:


Cleaned off the paint from an area inside the host so I could grab the + from the battery:

What it looks like before putting it together. The diode is isolated nicely and everything fits really well together:

Finished. I like how it looks without that slide on rubber piece and the clip once it is labeled. I usually change the 826 to an acrylic lens but this one is going to keep the Eitan one as I would now be able to get the acrylic one screwed in close enough to the diode for infinite focus and be able to still use a focus ring unless I took out the lens in another one and glued it to the main one. There's almost always a way to make things work;). Can't stand that no one ever named the lenses that Eitan got:













Thanks for looking and if I've inspired anyone with any of my builds it was worth the effort.

Sweet, wow youv'e been on a build run since you did that first 532 module driver transplant. Pman is that the freak 826 diode you were talking about?
On the topic of Eitan lens, are those the ones that are just called a G type that I got on mine from him when you talked me out of jumping out my window when I couldn't figure it out.:shhh:
Hi p,
Nice 520 pen my 520 is in the defiant pen, oh and about your blurry pics when you take them this close use the macro no flash they come out clear then press the button a little to focus and shoot give that a try . Thats what i do with my canon elph..

Should be the same lens. It is quite good in my opinion especially for the price. I paid $5 each for them. Wish I had more.
Yes, that is the freak one but there was no way I was going to set it for over 500mW.
Styro is still going to send me the host and diode he owes me next time he gets back to where they are.
Very nice. :gj:

I have always enjoyed nice tight beams and those 660's and 650's, they can be fun in a lot of ways, be it a foggy night or wanting to actually point at something without alerting the media.

Here's an old project of mine, I love the deep red color, it's so much better live and in person.


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This build is made from a diode that Styro sent me since he forgot to send a couple things I purchased from him in his sales thread. He said the diode is a 90mW 520nm but other than that I don't know what exact diode it is. Upon testing it started to drop back in output around the 114mW mark so I set it for just over 100mW. 100mW of 520nm is plenty of output for that wavelength.
I also built another unit in that same Husky pen from Home Depot as it was the last LPC-826 I had. It outputs just over 400mW with the Eitan lens. Both of them have that same lens although the 520nm will be changed out for a 3-element or maybe a 2-element or Podo G7 as its a crappy line/dot. Beams look really nice though:)

The host is the one I mentioned here that I found at Home Depot and is still available for about $8.
Husky 60 Lumen LED Unbreakable Aluminum Pen Light with Clip 99396 at The Home Depot - Mobile

It's a really friendly to use host for either 1 or 2 10440 as it fits a standard module in the head with just enough room to isolate it if you are building a case negative or positive build.

Here's the flashlight and some taken apart pics. It was put together much better than most at this price. You need needle nose pliers to unscrew different sections:
Here's the 3 looks. It only comes in black and you can see the difference between having the slip on rubber front on and off and how the one I built as a 520nm looks after bead blasting that my very good friend Jeff (Bow) did for me. So sorry as some of the pics are a bit blurry. I've got to figure out what I'm doing wrong as this camera is actually pretty good (Canon S3 is)


The third one is a different one that I had Jeff also bead blast for me and I was going to use that for an NDB7242E but the diode arrived DOA:( You can see all the parts though that you remove for the Husky. There are 3 separate times that you have to unscrew pieces instead of them just being pressed in. I actually bought 2 more of them because they have a lot of character to them and are built well. Of course Jeff was sent one along with some other things. Please don't go begging him to bead blast your stuff. You can ask but I don't think he wants to get into doing a lot of that stuff. We are very good friends and send each other things all the time.



I used an s-mini adjusted to about 350mA and checked the output to make sure it was just over 100mW with the driver before putting it all together. Have to cut down the the module back half so there's enough room for the host body to screw in all the way. If you do it right it all comes together great.


You end up with:



Here's some shots of putting together a case - 826 (660nm). The driver is from a Fasttech 532nm module that I set for over 600mA to to hit just over 400mW with the Eitan lens:


Cleaned off the paint from an area inside the host so I could grab the + from the battery:

What it looks like before putting it together. The diode is isolated nicely and everything fits really well together:

Finished. I like how it looks without that slide on rubber piece and the clip once it is labeled. I usually change the 826 to an acrylic lens but this one is going to keep the Eitan one as I would now be able to get the acrylic one screwed in close enough to the diode for infinite focus and be able to still use a focus ring unless I took out the lens in another one and glued it to the main one. There's almost always a way to make things work;). Can't stand that no one ever named the lenses that Eitan got:













Thanks for looking and if I've inspired anyone with any of my builds it was worth the effort.

Wow nice :gj:
Incredible builds! To be honest I like those more than the AA mag builds.
Man, those turned out great, Pete! Makes me want to do something with mine.
They all look good, although I'm a bit partial to the blasted ones. ;)

I agree with Red, the reds have a special appeal, although they've kind of taken a back seat to some the high power alternatives lately.
:gj: +rep!
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I've tried that Red. Can't seem to figure out the "secret". The other issue is by the time I'm finished with a build I'm usually hurting pretty bad and I really should wait before taking them. I just don't like unfinished business so I want to get them done.
Thanks Red. I know you have really gotten into high power and burning but its good to see that you can still appreciate this end of things too.
Too much attention has been on other things going on. We need to get the attention back to why this place was started to begin with. I don't want to know the % of drama vs actual laser posts. Drama for the sake of drama just brings the whole place down. Turned into a REP party for some where REP doesn't belong. The new norm is you can get more REP for participating in drama rather than for contributing to the forum in a way that took real effort. Take a look at some of the members that have suddenly gained hundreds of REP with not much to show for it and you don't even know who these people really are. There are many but I can think of one in particular who has a few hundred and there's no substance. We need to take back out forum from the garbage that is taking over. REP without substance is BULL. It's time to go back to earning it. I totally believe it needs to exist and it's NOW that the abuse of it needs to end. I'm not whining that I want REP for this thread. I'm talking about how things have become. If you think that I'm just after REP you just don't get it. You could join today and within a year have over 1000 REP and not even own a laser. It took time and effort to build these units and I did it to contribute to a place that has helped me a great deal to learn and give me something to do to deal with my chronic pain issues. I appreciate that it exists and there are a lot of good people here whether I agree with them on other things or not and it's also worth it to give $ every month to help keep it alive. I don't want to know how many don't donate a thing to keep this place going or are just interested in taking everything they can with no intention of giving back. I really do appreciate the members here but I'm also very disturbed by how it doesn't take any effort to become reputable without contributing meaningful substance. Rep should be reserved for posts about lasers and not jokes or guns or movies or books or the most comfortable underwear.
Wait, what was that? Thought I heard a pin drop. Suddenly no one has anything to say. I've created a dilemma in my own thread for anyone who reads it.
The rep party needs to end for this place to gain back some credibility. I've noticed the new mobile version doesn't list rep at all. So now we go off what class laser someone is that is solely based off of post count. That's probably even worse.

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Agreed, this is "Not Pman Claiming Fame". Thats what I see, members are going to Rep regardless its just going to happen and it does make us feel good giving them. How about we make a pact to are selves to not Rep in say the "What are your favorite songs" as said as an example or any other way off topic subject and maby the religon threads. I wish the whole Rep party thing for bashing the Joker is done because yes that through the system really off.
There are alot of old time Vets that have slowly earned them the hard way. I feel I need to totally respect that as I was spoon fed alot on some of my questions and by other noobs just like me as they that still do.:):):beer:
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I just realized that I should check and see if some of the parts are interchangeable between the different hosts. Pretty cool when you can combine different pieces parts for a unique look. Way past 5he Pman bedtime!
Looking for: Someone who can do a nice quality pen build like P-man's in this thread...hopefully a 520-532nm green 100-200mw?
Please PM me if you can help out :)
