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FrozenGate by Avery

New big boy toy! Jetlasers PL-E Pro 300mW 532nm review

Apologies for the double post, just adding some information. Here's a couple quickies, no long exposure, no fog. I'll try to take some high(er) quality photos tonight.

Even in the cold, dry air the beam is bright and solid.

Wow that laser is huge!!
i need have to have one of those... but can't decide between 520 or 532....
Wow that laser is huge!!
i need have to have one of those... but can't decide between 520 or 532....

'Pends on how much power yer going after bud. 520 only gets really worth it when you get the 1W version imo. But, it's really worth it over a 532 of the same power. Mode hopping on this DPSS does get a lil annoying when it's starting up.
Nice pics, yeah no fog shouldnt be needed for that kind of power :) but watch out and dont have it on for too long, u might get unwanted attention..
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Nice pics, yeah no fog shouldnt be needed for that kind of power :) but watch out and dont have it on for too long, u might get unwanted attention..

True dat mortuus, luckily I live in a neighbourhood with extremely little to no foot traffic or cars, plus neighbours that never come outside. I'm all g for now ;)
Better pictures, but my iPad still sucks at taking dark beamshot photos

This one left a nice burn pit in my table :(

And finally, my favourite of the session:

After using this laser for a while and getting used to it, every single other laser I own feels puny to me. Output-wise and size-wise. Honestly, when I first picked up my GLP 593.5, it really reminded me of picking up a tic tac off the table :crackup:
So tempted
I need some green!!!
800mW of 352nm or 1600mw of 520nm or 5000mW of 473nm. So hard to choose.

Opsee 532 nm not 352.....
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All i have to say is I want one! oh and Going to club some with that thing my god
You have a nice looking house! Oh whoops, laser also :beer:


Heh, thank you on both counts.

So tempted
I need some green!!!
800mw of 352nm or 1600mw of 520nm or 5000mw of 473nn. So hard to choose.

Opsee 532 mm not 352.....

Tough choice, 'pends on if you're more of a beam person or a burning person I guess.

All i have to say is I want one! oh and Going to club some with that thing my god

Indeed, this thing is still surprising me even though I've had it for a while now! Thinking of getting a version that can use the battery extension tube, for maximum clubbing power ;)
Only own the 473nm but I agree the PL-E hosts are so nice. As others have stated their lasers are a little bit more, but holding that host in your hand sure makes you feel like you got your money's worth.
Agreed gr3en, worth it for sure. Sorry for all the pic posts, but I got with my friend today and we took some pics with his real camera.

And my favourite two:

wow what a difference a real camera makes.. no moire damn noise haha :)

Photo noise in beam shots is the death of me.
Tried out some glow in the dark duct tape in the grooves, I like it a lot.
So tempted
I need some green!!!
800mw of 352nm or 1600mw of 520nm or 5000mw of 473nn. So hard to choose.

Opsee 532 mm not 352.....

wait what
you do know mw is not what you mean-correct? its mW- there is a diff.
or you can go with 1.6W or 5.W except a 5W 473nm (not nn) is a new one on me

- alibaba maybe??

occasionally there are used JLs at JOG- our JL socail group anyone is welcome to join- I will be listing one or two demo modles like new-

1W 445 Pl-E one silver one black check JOG on monday
if you join and fail to subscribe manually to the group you may as well just not join it.

and yes the Pl E and Pl E Pros are for sure a handful and very likely the worlds longest commercially available hand held laser when you add the second battery tube. ( those are 'sleeves' for the slimmer batteries NOT CONDOMS haha

wait what
you do know mw is not what you mean-correct? its mW- there is a diff.
or you can go with 1.6W or 5.W except a 5W 473nm (not nn) is a new one on me

- alibaba maybe??

occasionally there are used JLs at JOG- our JL socail group anyone is welcome to join- I will be listing one or two demo modles like new-

1W 445 Pl-E one silver one black check JOG on monday
if you join and fail to subscribe manually to the group you may as well just not join it.

and yes the Pl E and Pl E Pros are for sure a handful and very likely the worlds longest commercially available hand held laser when you add the second battery tube. ( those are 'sleeves' for the slimmer batteries NOT CONDOMS haha

thanks for pointing my wrong typo out haksaw.
my mistake .... and using touch screen phone is a pain sometimes.
