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FrozenGate by Avery

Net finds thread, real or bogus specifications? Report the good or the bad here.

There are several ebay sellers who lie and even when we do get enough negative feedback to push them under 98% to warn others they just make a new account with a similar name, I see it all the time.

But by all means give them hell and support the good sellers.
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Yep, that is what they do, if I see 98% I assume that is the tip of an iceberg of problems ebay's system now hides by being unable to give feedback if refunded.

This critical eye studios ebay seller continues to email me every day with insults, I wrote him yesterday telling him to stop emailing me with this response a few minutes ago:

New message from: critical_eye_studios (174Turquoise Star)
You freak of nature, don't you see the irony of your own message? Indeed, don't send a message here!
...goddamn weirdo...
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Yep, that is what they do, if I see 98% I assume that is the tip of an iceberg of problems ebay's system now hides by being unable to give feedback if refunded.

This critical eye studios ebay seller continues to email me every day with insults, I wrote him yesterday telling him to stop emailing me with this response a few minutes ago:

Report it all to ebay--see if they will tell him to stop--is harassment --am sure they don't condone it.
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Encap beat me to it, but yeah, if he is sending these messages through eBay you don't even need to show them. Just tell someone about them.
When I got into the shop this morning I see that
critical_eye_studios (174) had refunded the
shipping costs for the order I placed.

Checking into the order it seemed that he cancelled
the order but the LD cost refund was pending....
I used this Pending time to Neg Feedback this guy...

eBay may remove the Neg Feedback after the refund.
If that is the case I'll have one of my buddies buy
the LDs when they come back up for sale...
In the mean time hid Feedback score has dropped a


(Below... As of this morning...)


  • 465nm Liar-s.jpg
    465nm Liar-s.jpg
    85.5 KB · Views: 42
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Oops... His lie and behaviour caught up with him. I'm surprised ebay allowed a rep prior to estimated delivery time. Glad to see him get the message.


I really thought this guy was a punk teen, but I'm surprised to find he is an adult, spent four years in the navy too. I'm not typing his name here to keep it from being searchable on the web, at least being that decent to him, more than he might deserve.

His LinkedIn profile shows no additional professional work history past 2009 and I found he spent some time in jail. This guy has problems, I don't think he needs more back right now, but at the same time I find it difficult to tolerate ebay sellers who misrepresent their listings. I confirmed from his arrest record mug shot as well as his facebook page this is the same guy. My brother has had similar problems his whole life too, it's sad, but this explains a lot of the behavior on ebay and his refusal to conform to my suggestion he list the diode at its correct wavelength, also probably explains the remark that I probably deserve a dishonourable discharge from the military because he was in more than four years, but not the right dates to have fulfilled two enlistments, one four year period and a partial, so he might have had one himself. (sorry, I already had an honourable discharge back in 1979).
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The problem I have with this guy is his
attitude and snarky response to a friendly
heads up. He has no social skills to speak
If he can't deal with the public he shouldn't
do business in public...

I don't feel at all bad about his new feedback

I think he earned it, I should have given one too, was too light handed on that.
I'm glad he's finally come to his senses. I will still never buy from that seller however. I call that an 'LPF win' though. Now if i'm being picky I don't agree very strongly with this statement in his listing. :whistle:
Perfect for making searing/burning weapons
It has been. Looks artificial imposed and the shadowing and lighting is all wrong.
Ok then...


Why would you buy it to find out the details. :thinking:
Sounds like a scammer to me. :whistle:
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