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Net finds thread, real or bogus specifications? Report the good or the bad here.

Another big lie:

I'd sure like it if a few members to reach out to him and tell him why his listing is wrong. I already told him, he responded that it doesn't matter, both 520 nm and 532 nm are green colors, I tried to explain only 532 nm is DPSS which is a different technology and higher quality and that there are no 1.7 watt 520 nm laser diodes, so he is lying on both sides. These guys prey upon newbies, I don't like it.

Yeah, he knows he is lying. He isn't going to change just because you called him out on it. He has very few sales and will likely disappear and come back under a new name later.
Ya, my intent isn't expecting him to change, just to take some of his precious time. I also reported it, I'm hoping if a customer complains about receiving something different that some of his email communication will be taken into consideration by ebay. No need to tell me ebay probably won't even look, I don't know and as far as I know, no one in this forum knows either. Yep, I'm fighting a windmill...
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Another big lie:

I'd sure like it if a few members to reach out to him and tell him why his listing is wrong. I already told him, he responded that it doesn't matter, both 520 nm and 532 nm are green colors, I tried to explain only 532 nm is DPSS which is a different technology and higher quality and that there are no 1.7 watt 520 nm laser diodes, so he is lying on both sides. These guys prey upon newbies, I don't like it.

Hi Alaskan,
I also whipped him with very very wet noodle, I was going to use barbed wire but I was easy on him.I also said his listing ws misleading to customers and for 440.00US that was a ripoff.
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Thanks, two should be enough but the more the merrier. You accidentally left a digit off though, 440 USD.
Chris you messaged him personally on ebay?
Iv'e seen some crazy slime ball sellers there on just about everything and held my mouth shut. I would probably get banned from ebay if I said what was really on my mind..
It stinks but ebay doesn't even care I would think as they make more money with a higher price sell.
If you think that 5 people calling him out on ebay, i'm all in..
Look at the rectangular spot that he shows with his "532" :LOL:
Do but be to the point , I did in a nice way. Most likely the seller couldn't give 2 $hit$.
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That's exactly the problem, they prey on the inexperienced. And Peter, he may of expanded and clipped his 532nm beam into a rectangle lol
Well sent him a message, basicly "not cool with your outrages prices and claims"
Oh well it now up to the buyers..
Thanks, two should be enough but the more the merrier. You accidentally left a digit off though, 440 USD.

Hi He wrote back with this..
I inquired ,The diode not from Japan. I from Finland.
I can give lower price 390$( but no protection glasses. It broke( it only several $ on market)

Really now!! (n)(n):poop::poop::ROFLMAO:

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I would never think of being dishonest with my sales on ebay or anywhere, this guy is one of the many who believe the all mighty dollar has higher value than honesty and forthrightness towards others. I don't like this from personal experience too, I was suckered early on by a China seller for a "10 watt 532 nm laser pointer". I knew it wasn't ten, but I expected at least over a watt and it was 300 mw. So now I have a bone to chew for these misprepresentations.

Maybe if enough of us report that listing as a prohibited device, since he calls out the power at 1.7 watts, ebay will take it down. Am I being a shyt when I build my own pointers which exceed 5 mw? Yes.
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Yeah greed and laziness is definitely one of the reasons for dishonesty. This thread is a good idea
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My response from him.. Almost the same as Lifetime's.. and my polite message to him below..

Shmackitup, I don't see any negative on his store, did he change his account?


  • Capture.PNG
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Most people don't have a LPM to confirm the power output of the pointer he is selling, that is the main reason they get away with it. Regarding feed back scores, if I see a 98 percent and a history of hundreds to thousands of reports I see a huge red flag, usually won't buy from them. Sometimes a buyer has to give a neg to get something resolved, later removed after negotiating with the seller.
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