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Need Advice for Disassembling CNI Laser

You can't take it out the back. The host tube isn't large enough for the module base. it has to come out the front. how do you think it doesn't just fall out the back to begin with? :p

the driver is fit to the tube, the base is larger, so when it slides in, it stops automatically, then the ring secures it in place, then they add the fins and lens, and then the shutter last.

I know, what I meant was cut right behind that ring only enough so that you cut off the battery tube. But at this point dremel makes more sense and doesnt require a lathe lol
And then in the wee hours of the morning...it was declared....LET THERE BE GREEN PHOTONS! Quite the beast you have here isaac...this thing's burning a hole in my ceiling uncollimated! j/k :tinfoil: a lil small tweak and a little re-stabilization....and I think you've got just a touch more power than before! but watch your duty cycle! i'd reccommend not leaving it on too long. It gets hot really fast.

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Oh my god! You are. My favorite. Human right now. I knew you were the right man for the job!
Thanks. :beer: and your dimensions are 7.5cm long x 2.6cm in diameter. the lens mount is 2.8cm in diameter with the threads. and of course a panasonic 18650 cell is 6.5cm or, for this powerhungry bad boy, maybe go with 17cm and put a protected 26650 in this beast!
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Awesome! :D even got me excited!

Can't wait to see what you do with it....

Great succes :wave:

Cheers, Sm.
indeed. we just spent a 'few' words on the phone. looks like a bright [green] future!

Free pic really fast before it was wrapped in lens tissue and anti-static bagged up to go back to its rightful owner! :cheers:

532nm goodness, though sorry about the cruddy quality, my phone lens is dirty! >:U
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Great job guys. I've also been following this thread with anticipation of a good outcome!
This, IMO is what LPF is all about! :)
Will be waiting to see what the future holds for that module.

+rep for both of you. :beer:
I'm glad it worked out. It was quite a pain to get out of there. this is a prime example of not tinkering with your laser if it doesn't need it. LEAVE IT ALONE unless it's broken. they're not intended to be taken apart all the time...and when it does come time to fix it, there's no shame in asking for help, or sending it to be serviced by someone who is experienced with the particular model you are using.

This has simply re-affirmed why I buy modules a lot from CNI and not full PGLs nowadays. It costs more to make a custom host...but the quality is better. and the module comes with its cover, which gives you better heat dissipation. (more surface area) and it makes it uniquely yours! :beer:

Edit: I also managed to get my Aries (Mar2013) out of its host without any damage to it at all. i'll do a walkthrough soon. It is built differently than Isaac's so it seems this host and module has multiple revisions, and continually is being changed.
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Yeah I will never buy a complete PGL laser again. I did need to get the module out of this one since there was a short of some sort causing it to not work when not right side up, and I am very glad Matt was able to rectify the number I did on the laser.
yes. sadly my aries came apart a lot easier with some coaxing from heat. though sadly I now know the reason it's always been tempermental. this particular laser doesn't really like high currents. It is overdriven, which is why when it gets low on batteries it becomes unstable. i was going to make a vid showing it. but my camera is dead. i'll have to work out something else. I just gave a full turn of the pot and saw just about every mode I could think of, and then some. I just serviced it, It has a perfect TEM00 mode again now. (and put the IR filter back on lol) Time to put humpty dumpty back together again. this is one of my favorites, and first high power laser. It serves me well for everything i've done with it. looks like it just was produced with the pot ever so slightly to high, as I don't feel like messing with the crystals. seems to be quite jolly now.
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