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Need Advice for Disassembling CNI Laser

*Heaviest sigh ever* do you think there would be a way to remove the ring via the drilling method and not get any metal dust in the body? Maybe if I stuck a vacuum machine close to the end it would suck it all up.

Alternatively is there a tool specifically for this that wont bend? I tried metal tweezers and now they are disfigured.

I used a pair of cold steel probes. Sharpened needle nose pliers work well too. Or if you have a small hobby drill, run it on an ultra slow setting and slowly drill larger holes in the ring since brass is soft.
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I like the drill idea. I will do that and pray to god I dont fuck it up.
A simple stick with some nails in it would do the trick....

Or you could look for these....

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Time to go to Harbor Freight. Hope they are open for a while today. I would rather get it off that way than with the drill. Just to be safe.
Agreed. Metal shavings and dust don't play well with optics. If you can't get it out, I'll be happy to remove it for you for free.
I recently had to work on my aries, and I was going to do another tear down, but I havnt had time. It seems to be a common thing people want to know. I also clean optics for people locally. Good luck Isaac, I'm sure you can get it out.
If I cannot get it out I will definitely take you up on that offer! I am in contact with Ehgemus about a custom host but I have to remove the module before i can get measurements. I wonder how difficult the lens will be to remove. lol.

Speaking of which, any idea about the screw size for the shutter at the front of the laser? The smallest i have are still too big.
They're a specialty size. I used a friction-fit drill bit on mine. Or a sharpened Allen. I have 12000 grit water stone, so I reshaped one for it
If I cannot get it out I will definitely take you up on that offer! I am in contact with Ehgemus about a custom host but I have to remove the module before i can get measurements. I wonder how difficult the lens will be to remove. lol.

Speaking of which, any idea about the screw size for the shutter at the front of the laser? The smallest i have are still too big.


The one that is removed from the holder ;)

Cheers, Sm.
Thats badass. I tried using something small, pointy, and gritty to poke in to one of the screws and unscrew it but no luck. LUCKILY I have the advantage of not caring about the host. Although if I didn't destroy it I could give it to somebody.

Also, if I shipped it to you and had you remove the bits you could keep the host if you wanted. I have no use for it. Everything works, just the pesky side clicky that made me have to change things.

EDIT: rep given to both of you, time for me to see how far I can get. I may have to ship it out though for the ring that wont budge,.
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Thats badass. I tried using something small, pointy, and gritty to poke in to one of the screws and unscrew it but no luck. LUCKILY I have the advantage of not caring about the host. Although if I didn't destroy it I could give it to somebody.

Also, if I shipped it to you and had you remove the bits you could keep the host if you wanted. I have no use for it. Everything works, just the pesky side clicky that made me have to change things.

EDIT: rep given to both of you, time for me to see how far I can get. I may have to ship it out though for the ring that wont budge,.

What i've learned is that the right tools can make all the difference :D

That's why i was able to answer your question.
I've never had an issue with mine. And I've had it a long time. I use it fairly frequently, so I'm betting you just were unlucky. I could probably fix it easily for you. The tail caps are more of a pain. My hand adjusted tail cap works far better. I use high quality silver solder in all my work for better, lower temp, lower resistance, strong connections
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I am actually pretty excited about getting this module into a fully custom host. Actually, if there is one thing I like more than anything else in this hobby it is tricking out laser diodes with custom hosts. I love it.
