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My new magnets!

I have a 1.5"x1.5"x1" rectangular N45 block... I brought it close to my toolbox for this pic... note that the blue diagonal cutters in the bottom of the pic aren't actually touching the magnet, they're stuck to the C-clamp and are just hanging there. If I had more tools I'm sure a whole lot more could stick to it.. I tried grabbing the wrench stuck to it and shaking it and only the diagonal cutters flew off the clamp and attached to the ball... everything else is stuck solid... They're impressively powerful little things.

I can use it to hold a dictionary to the fridge. I've almost pulled my fridge over trying to pull the magnet off it, I have scrapes in the paint from trying to slide it off. I'm absolutely sure if I bought a second one when I got it that I'd have broken fingers by now.


  • DSC01265.jpg
    180.9 KB · Views: 89

jamilm9 said:
anyone make a rail gun,coil gun or Gauss gun.etc

Yes, I once made a small coil gun out of a disposable camera and and some copper wire. It was not very powerful but it was kind of cool.

You know they say gravity and magnetic fields are very similar, gravity would be just as intense as a magnetic field if gravitons were not able to pass in and out of this dimension. (Theoretically)

Could you just imagine wearing an iron suite on a Neodymium magnet the size of earth? woW...
Yeah gravity is the mysterious force in the universe.

That sphere is 1 inch diameter.

I highly recommend KJmangetics. I bought one of these ( http://kjmagnetics.com/proddetail.asp?prod=DX08B-N52 ) from them and it is really cool. When I bought it, it was advertised as 85lbs of pull force, now it says 79. This thing is ridiculously strong though. I've actually put it on the bottom of my desk chair to pick up any little metal bits/components/diodes that I happen to drop. Works like a charm!

They shipped fast and even included a bunch of free sample stuff. Also, it seems like their prices are far better than united nuclear.
OMG imagine one of those near a CRT screen!! :D

those are so big....so expensive...

all i have are those cheapo 1/6" DX neodymium magnets :P
Magnets are fun. I only have a few hard drive rare-earths and DX neodymium disks, but they're still fun.


There's an NMR lab in the building next to the one I'm in. Those labs are almost to the point of being scary. They have 1 NMR that is around 15 Tesla (150,000 Gauss). Big signs on the door warn you not to enter the room with credit cards or cell phones because the fields can kill them, and to also stay out of the room if you have a pacemaker. Crazy stuff.
The only magnet i can imagine that is stronger than a Neodymium per weight is a superconducting coil. similar to an MRI machine superconducing coils will accecpt an almost infinite amout of current and convert it into a magnetic feild.
also one other cool thing you can do with Neodymium magnets is make homo-polar motors. i made one using a small magnet i got out of a cd-rom sled. they are pretty cool.

I Present To You The Incredibly High RPM Homopolar Motor 8-)

and yes it is just as easy to make as it looks!
