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My new laser glove!!

Hey Andy, I'm going to be doing a similar project using many different 5mW red lasers.

how did you power the 5 for your laser glove? each individual batteries? or did you connect them in series... or parallel?? just curious :)

edit: never mind, I'll be able to figure it out. each laser having 0.7 V drop across it should work in series... just need like 2V above all the lasers *0.7.

im going to be making a Laser Harp :) which will function as a MIDI controller.

more details to come when we actually start making it.

there is a guy i know at a local festival in oregon (Oregon country fair)

and he has a very nice green laser glove with about 10-20mw lasers on each finger.

first time i saw it was probably 5 or 6 years ago
Someone should do something along the lines of putting to aixiz modules in the eyes of a stuffed animal to make it shoot lasers out of his eyes. Can't you just imagine a giant Care Bear wreaking havoc in the streets of Tokyo shooting lasers out of its eyes making buildings burst into flames?
See an eye said:
Someone should do something along the lines of putting to aixiz modules in the eyes of a stuffed animal to make it shoot lasers out of his eyes. Can't you just imagine a giant Care Bear wreaking havoc in the streets of Tokyo shooting lasers out of its eyes making buildings burst into flames?

I happen to have a little teddy bear lying around somewhere ::)
jaws2002 said:
This reminds me of something I saw a while back on the internet. It was about using a glove with reflective tape to manipulate a program on the nintendo wii. The idea was to reflect IR back to the sensor. If you could put 5 IR diodes in there that were the same wavelenght the wii sensor bar is looking for, you could do the same thing from way across the room. At leastt that would be an interesting use for it.
Oh , I just thought about green diodes and their IR they put out with the green. It would be awesome if you could have green beams and a working IR glove for the wii at the same time. :-)
why do ppl spend so much money on thing like this????

cant u just take a glove and glue 5 lasers 2 it?????
mnm3650 said:
why do ppl spend so much money on thing like this????

cant u just take a glove and glue 5 lasers 2 it?????

People have more money than time and/or self-confidence.

