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FrozenGate by Avery

My laser saved my life!!!!

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I had a similar situation this passed weekend. I was walking with my wife and son in a small umbrella stroller. Two dogs i've never seen before in the neighbor hood approached us growling and barking, I stood my ground in front of the stroller and the dogs seemed more irritated by my pact leader routine. We kept walking and were left alone. However on the return trip the two dogs went way out of there way to come at us so I used my 5mW green and beamed at the ground in front of them. They stopped in their tracks. the closer it got the more scared they seemed. I ran a few circles of green around them and they wimpered off. FYI Emu's do NOT like 532nM light. I thought the bird might chase after the dot similarly the way squirels and other birds do... Nope poor thing nearly jumped out of its feathers. I left big bird alone after seeing he was clearly afraid of the alien green light.

I shine my 445nm by the neighbor cat when it gets in teh trash. It's scared of my lasers and runs away...

but i'm telling you, If it rips my trash through the yard again, i'm going to blind that damned overgrown rat....either that or feed it anti freeze.

I love animals. I have three dogs myself, but they never go outside without a leash.
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I've never seen a dog or cat that didn't like to play with the laser dot and chase after it. Where the hell are you finding these weirdo cats and dogs???
Next time just throw your laser and shout "fetch fido" then run!
My protection is more important than that of a dog's. If I had only a laser to defend myself, I would use it. If I had only a gun to defend myself, I would use that too.

I agree on that one.

If a dog is an immediate threat, you should use whatever you have to defend yourself. If i had both on me, i'd use the gun. Realistically i think anyone would defend himself, even it that means bopping the dog on the head with a 6D maglite or something similar.
My Cat isn't even interested in my green, red or violet lasers it looks at me as if to say WTF ?? leave me alone :) Other cats in the area are scared of the dots but some play with the red dot.

I doubt that lasers will stop every rabid dog coming at you
I'm sure its not always effective... but if it is the only alternative i'd say its worth trying. You can always throw the laser at the dog if its doesnt work, but not the other way around ;)
The dogs in my history were found walking on fron of a fabric, they managed to jump over the fence and they started runing behind me.
Did you have to permanently blind it? I mean yea being chased by dogs is probably pretty scary, but many dogs are just as amused by the dot a laser makes that they would be distracted anyway.

Is that a serious question?

Let's take a leap of faith and assume that this is a true story.. if I had dogs chasing me and I had a gun, I'd shoot them AND KILL THEM. Period. If I had a laser, I would use it with the intention of causing as much harm to the dogs as possible, doing whatever it takes to stop them..

If your safety it threatened, it is NOT the time to argue with yourself about hurting whatever it is that is threatening you. Shoot first, ask questions later.
I've never seen a dog or cat that didn't like to play with the laser dot and chase after it. Where the hell are you finding these weirdo cats and dogs???

WOW, retarded post after retarded post. *facepalm* You guys should really just not post at all..

The world is full of "wacko" (or as normal people call them: "wild") animals. Dog attacks happen all the time. Cats also attack sometimes, but they are rarely as much of a threat as a pissed off pit bull or doberman..
Hmm, I don't know.. how is being a moron working out for you?

No ones angry.. I'm just stating the obvious. What we have here in your post is yet another teenage n00b (most likely anyway), pretty much clueless about life, who has come here and decided to post nonsense as if they are somehow wiser than everyone. Please do us all a favor and refrain from posting if you have no BLOODY clue what you're talking about. This place has enough disinformation without needing anyone's help supplying more. If you were to spend 2 minutes googling information on dog attacks, you would quickly find out that a dog that has snapped, or a dog that has the taste of blood in it's mouth isn't going to be distracted from attacking to go play with a laser dot. Maybe in Sunshine and Rainbows Land... but we're not in Sunshine and Rainbows Land, now are we?

LOL.. freaking n00bs.

Anyway, I posted my posts before I read what T_J said earlier. He's right, this thread should be left to die. I'll be doing my part to help that along right now..
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