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FrozenGate by Avery

My DIY Spirograph

I've been collecting nice little geared Moters (5v) out of disc driver I've been harvesting diodes from. Seem great for something like this. May try my hand
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I've been collecting nice little geared Moters (5v) out of disc driver I've been harvesting diodes from. Seem great for something like this. May try my hand

don't know about those^^^
but for total control you need speed control-& direction option and OFF.(DPDT)-- if those don't have that-- I would skip and go with motors that can.. I grab every Poliroid One-Step I can buy (at tag/yard sales etc) as long as its no more than 1$-inside a swell VDC 3v motor and keystone FSM thin but fairly easy to cut- lots of plastic gears good for attaching motors to mirrors... other Polaroids have useful stuff inside but often cost more-- DUH! film for them is not an easy find...
I just built a simple single color spiro. I used a combo of old brushed RC motors and some motors pulled out of a inkjet printer. For my FS mirrors I cut small squares from a hard drive platter, JB welded them onto the motor shaft with pinion attached. After the JB weld hardened I spun the motor and used a carbide Dremel burr to make the square round.

I was suprised at all the patterns that it made!
