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My buying experience with KRNAZNBOY


Dec 2, 2011
So this is going to be a type of seller review/build quality review.

I recently bought the 1.6W 445nm pocket rocket from KRNAZNBOY from this thread >http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/s...-al-heatsink-m140-1-5a-86605.html#post1259214

From the very moment that I showed interest in his laser he was quick to respond and answer my pesky little questions that probably seemed trivial to him. He was polite and respectful towards me so I have not complaints with how the sale went.

I sent the PP late in the evening and he was able to ship out the next morning which was awesome. He made sure that I was a responsible person and not a little kid. When I received the laser it was packed well and no damage on it at all.

However, yesterday I was exploring it and took it apart and then put it back together. I then tried to turn it back on and realized that I had broken a solder joint. Upon further inspection (after taking it back apart) I was amazed that the thing hadn't shorted out at some point and time. The solder joints were some of the worst I had seen.

The wires when they were still connected were held together with electrical tape and when I'm buying something for basically $200 I (dont mean to be frank) expect a better solder job and some heat shrink. The wires were also fraying which is why I'm surprised that it didn't short.

After 2 hours I got it back together with my solder job and some proper protection.

All and all I had a great experience buying from him but some soldering practice might be a good idea ;)
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Jul 4, 2012
Sorry to hear about the quality- he is a great seller, I wouldn't doubt that he would compensate you some how for this...
Mar 29, 2013
LOL yea i'm really sorry i totally agree. This was when i had my crappy RadioShack 15watt iron that didnt work for shit.

Sorry, i'm not making excuses. This is MY fault.
BTW i have an AOYUE soldering iron now and i bought some leaded solder so i assure you my work is a lot better.

The thing is when i am building these i am (at the time) building them for myself so i dont think it will ever matter as long as it works. Then when it comes time to sell i dont really think about that.

If this laser were to break or short or LED, i would replace it and build him a new laser. You are right.

And this is true i used to be disgusted by my own solder connections. My iron just never got hot enough for anything.

Well i'm terribly sorry you had to see that. Im glad that you are very good with your hands and your iron and that you got the laser into better shape than it arrived.

Sorry again :oops:

I assure you ever since i got my new setup my work is alot better and i am actually happy with my joints. And i tin all my wires so they don't fray (which i now know was always a must...)

Good repair on my shoddy job
All further lasers will be made much better, that is a promise.


EDIT: PM sent
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Dec 2, 2011
I appreciate your honesty, but the fact that this was the only thing that I could find that I didn't on like on the sale, says a lot about you :) . All in all it was a great pleasure to do business with you and I'm glad to hear that you got a better iron :beer:
Feb 10, 2012

Soldering with a crappy iron is difficult, and does make for some ugly joints. I too started with a 15w Radio Shack, but have since moved to an adjustable 40w. It is best to try and make your joints look good, but more important is getting a good joint.
Have gotten a few lasers after taking apart must have had a cold joint and broke off. A good iron and good solder takes care of that !

Mar 29, 2013

Soldering with a crappy iron is difficult, and does make for some ugly joints. I too started with a 15w Radio Shack, but have since moved to an adjustable 40w. It is best to try and make your joints look good, but more important is getting a good joint.
Have gotten a few lasers after taking apart must have had a cold joint and broke off. A good iron and good solder takes care of that !


Yea unfortunately that's not the best excuse when you are selling to people :(

