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My Bad experiences with Chris Leubner(hesc_photonics)

Tech_junkie is actualy retarded... it's pretty severe aparently. so just ignore him.

For some reason he thinks i am Chris's nemesis. wich is obviously bullcrap.

But let him think he's special by wasting his own time to do a search on my name, and bring up irrelevant results. and TECH, i was unaware that because 2 people have the same last name, they are related. you only succeed in making yourself look dumber and dumber... give yourself a break already, We all get it, you have problems, we're WELL aware seeing as you openly defend KNOWN scammers and all :crackup:


Chill Tyler TJ is just a troll doing what he does best ;)
Don't feed the troll.

We all know you are a great and honest guy so you have nothing to worry about.
who's tyler and matt sweet within the context of this thread ?

I'll stop :crackup:I'm just pushing buttons, sorry.

Matt attacked Chris on another thread and was banned for freaking out. Chris accused Tyler of being Matt because he writes just like Matt did. I'm just stirring the pot. :eg:
I never had a METH lab you ingrate. You publically accused me of RECENTLY GETTING HIGH on drugs and MANUFACTURE of ILLEGAL DRUGS in a publically viewable forum:

My intent is to sue:

<<Removed due to privacy>>

If the commets are not removed within 24 hours.

Hmm, couldn't YOU be sued for posting details of a private trade arrangement in a public forum without his consent? I'm pretty sure you've used this tactic before.
Rumor has it he's back on the drugs, as of a few months ago or so. now THIS statement im not sure about.

Word around the forum's is he went clean for a while, was doing great, and as of the past few months he has been screwing numerous people. if you google his name... tons of crap comes up about him.

So the closest assumption is he is using again. that would acount for the seemingly random e-mails i recieved from him in the middle of the night saying rediculous things. his excuse to me was "sorry i was high" literaly... i have the message still if anyone wants me to post it.

And yes, you are a lucky SOB lol, how long ago did you buy the ArIon's for?? i'm pretty sure Chris purposly selects the smaller payments to screw around with. mine was only 125.


Yes please post this ''Sorry I Was High'' message . Do it for the Lulz
Hey Laser_Ben. You totally ripped me off. I've been waiting for my 3mW HeNe laser tube for over 3 months. I've tried to get you to refund my money and you won't respond to my PMs, E-mails or the PayPal invoice I sent you for the refund.


I baught a brick PSU from Chris to go with my laser tube, and you know what?... HE DELIVERED.

I now have everything for my project except for my laser tube from you. Now I've been offered one from some one I trust, and YOU STILL HAVE MY MONEY!!!!!!

Hmm, couldn't YOU be sued for posting details of a private trade arrangement in a public forum without his consent? I'm pretty sure you've used this tactic before.

Yes, that is why he was banned by ebay previously, he posted people's addresses from ebay which is illegal and banned on ebay.
I could truly give a crap less, anyone wants to drive to that adress go ahead, i got a lil somethin somethin for ya :D it goes BOOM!


hey guys

i have received a lot of complaints about this thread. i think it might be best if some of these issues are resolved via private messaging or email

thank god there are several UC's and INT Customs on this forum.
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hey guys

i have received a lot of complaints about this thread. i think it might be best if some of these issues are resolved via private messaging or email


Some of these issues could not be solved via pm or email. I emailed Chris several times, with really bad responses that didn't help at all. It takes a thread like this to grab his attention. I'm sorry that some of the comments may have gotten out of hand.
I had the same problem with Chris when I delt with him, he would reply to emails very slowly or not at all.
sounds kind of like the way you answer your emails/pm's ben , very slowly or not at all . .
