3 Things -
One - I said "In some ways"
Two - "greater responsibility is needed in using them."
Three - I am :tired: so I might take your advice about coffee.
For a very small number of people there are legitimate reasons to have guns. For the rest there a hundreds of justifications.
For many the reason is entertainment, and where entertainment is concerned, I do think that small objects that provide amusement can be called toys.
Now if I wanted to troll... I'd say something Seinfeldian like:
"What's the deal Canadians and guns? Have you ever noticed how they are all up in arms about Americans with guns?"
Or something more Charlton Heston:
"It's not guns that kill people, it's the bullets! Guns are 100% safe!"

(No those aren't real quotes, and trolling wasn't my intent... when I troll it's more subtle:na