Moh may not have been communicating with you directly, but if you look at his thread about the drivers/hosts, he's been updating it pretty much daily and letting people know that he's gotten a LOT of orders, and it's taking a little longer.
He even suspended new orders --- to make sure he can get the backlog of orders out to people. I wanted to place an order with him but he refused, saying he was too busy working on existing (i.e., yours and everyone else's) order. Sometimes people do get busy/overloaded, that's not dishonesty and it's not really a negative thing, it's just that enough business came in that it caused a delay. Kind of like when UPS/FedEx/USPS gets slowed down around the holiday season due to too many packages. It's not really their fault, there's just too much stuff coming through.
Moh could have made more $$$ by just continuing to take orders when he's backlogged, but he didn't; he paused taking orders. So he's doing the right thing, it's just taking longer than he expected. He's been here a long time and has never 'taken the money and run'. There's pretty much zero chance that you'll be the first.