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mini RGB projector Spiro Deluxe!!

... IMO we all here take safety seriously.. & the rules and regs (and hoops on fire) we are supposed to jump thru.... don't really help us much to do that.
the way it is at present its a mix of non=compliant and barely needing to be regulated and no agents, to speak of, to enforce..we have.. I have... and more will have lasers seized by someone.. SanFran US customs got me for 17 green pointers out of 40.

in ten years 75 in USA died at amusement parks.. something like 25 reports of possible injury - but no deaths... during same 10 years at thousands of shows with lasers every year.....I do not want to say this projector is eye safe for intrabeam viewing or direct reflection from mirror-like surface...until/unless I know for sure it is..

BUMP have five.. need 3== where are you Andrew.???
. we want you to get one so we can see how the 3D looks on your new addiction.. high speed precision tops.. ????
guess I need to search that BUT the LK-3D looks good on everything..
Agreed! Regardless if it's law or not, it's my vision, and I like being able to see! I currently own 6 pairs of glasses. And all but 1 pair are good ones from Survival Laser! This is definitely a hobby where safety needs to be a priority.
I'm interested in one too, since I'm in Afghanistan on a military base I can't play with a pointer outside here.
Shipping to me then Spain makes little sense-LK can sell and send you one direct-
should be about the same cost..PM me your email addy and Linna will contact you.

some of us are more than ready--we need just a few more to go fwd.
I will go out on a limb here coz its a strong one...
IF you buy and keep in PERFECT condition I feel confident I can sell it to another member for you...should you have second thoughts later..

This little PJ is NOTHING like the poor quality of Suny or Casa PJs and I looked hard for any other vendor selling these SAME units--NO LUCK-----PLUS Linna at LK has awesome support-and knows her way around these and has done an outstanding job for us. GREAT comm skillz-has opened PJs to take 'under the hood' pics for us for several PJs..

AND -is very willing to help with any repairs via Skype -finds the issue and sends the parts..She wont ship anything w/o doing a long test.. IIRC she told me she spent the better part of a day testing 12 we were about to get. It has been my experience that PJs and other lasers most often fail within the first few times used.
... inside a LK you will not find GOBS of white hot glue- no toothpicks under modules for shims--no loose wires--stripped threads or screw heads..
in my semi-serious tutorial for China PJ vendors (NOT maker vendors so much)
1) When filling an order make sure its the RIGHT ONE

2) When you pick up the box.. gently rotate the box and listen CLOSE for any sound of things loose inside. if so DO NOT SELL IT>

3) If your leader (boss over here) will allow- at least open and turn on the item if it is an expensive one. Look for red green and blue colors-- look for yellow=and dark red.
**********need more help??********
Carefully open box- find cord and plug into your USA to China adaptor.
if there is a switch --click it same with a key.
IF no laser-- then find tiny row of white switches- put all 'up'
then move ends ones down-one or two- it may be..
put all in "down' and again move one or two at ends .
IF no laser-- that one should NOT be sold.

later we get to chat at FBook-'Cherry-Lee' at a DinoD 'store'
She is eager to learn .. none of the sales girls are allowed to even see a REKE PJ running!!
I felt like I was teaching a slave how to read... against the 'masters' wishes.

She had to stop often in fear she would get caught at Fbook by her leader.
few weeks later- at FB we chat- something is not right... she admits that she is the new cherry-lee--
does not want to explain
not fired
moved to diff job there
gave up-- weeks later= get message from a THIRD Cherry-lee!!
I quit--

..... so-- you can easily see why Linna deserves any good feedback she gets.

I have yet to see the LK 3D ran with DMX-
10fenny I hope will help us with that- I assume the beams of course no longer go thur the DGs- making it a small RGB(NOT 405) ttl with combined before losses 320mW.
Just realized that .... this would also be a BIG factor on class and variance...dang.

ALSO I LPM reading of each plus 'white' is needed to learn the losses-
Yea ide love to test out some dmx. I see on the website it has 17 channels and my controller has only 16 so i wont be able to test the last channel until i get an entech to use with quickshow
hak - it sounds like I'm one of the few who need to make a decision. :p
So go ahead and count me in! PM me with payment details! Thanks!
It is OK for me. Do you know how much is shipping from Texas to Spain? I suppose not so much...
Excuse my ignorance, are these things computer controlled or have patterns preset or read them from memory/USB stick? ILDA files if I remember it right?

--none of the above
DMX control-need interface 40$ to $120 usd and cables-
the 'built-in' stuff can run alone OR be controlled by RC.
send PM to me w/ email Address and Linna will contact you..
made to work with AC we have in USA:D
It is OK for me. Do you know how much is shipping from Texas to Spain? I suppose not so much...
Excuse my ignorance, are these things computer controlled or have patterns preset or read them from memory/USB stick? ILDA files if I remember it right?

--Shipping-- for Spain it will be either lower--higher or the same as China to CONUS $42 each.

For CONUS that will be some of the savings-$42 vs 15$ plus the second shipping --likely another $15-

-- we need a few more who are serious..
For the second shipping I DO want each buyer to send just THAT PART by PooPAL- so I can print/pay for ship lables--HOWEVER- IF you want shipping to another address than the one at PP LET ME KNOW asap.
Hi Hak,

Do not laugh too early - Linna wrote that she will send me one with european plug. Maybe because it goes directly to Spain. Price incl. shipping 238USD - does not look bad.
I am going to do a bank transfer directly to their bank. Hope it is OK for you.
Sure all is fine by me-- Linna has been a wonderful change from most other sales reps-
Never a wait on replies-- did everything we asked of her.
hope you enjoy the LK 3D( yeah I know they have cords for everywhere just kiddin'

BUT in China- when its a corded device they all have converters to plug into.
by mistake I have gotten cords from 3 other worlds.. how many are there.....?

OH BTW-- I am dusting off the 'GB CLOSED" sign as we are VERY close. but please work with me on pymnt- the PO is not a scary place- people buy MOs all the time $1.99-- and you can mail it while you are there- buy a small brown envelop from the PO -PUT MY NAME on the MO- take a pic for later- keep yr copy mail the rest- will be using address on the MO mail unless you tell me diff. len
ONLY bumping for alternates ATM++++++++++++++++


Alphabetical order.
1) Alaskian
2) Bionic-Badger
5) I.E.
6)P-Man (only a MAYBE..,maybe)
7)10 fenny
8) Wiz G
update on class-- 3b afaik some modding would need to be done to make it safe for dancefloor (the DMX )but not giving up...
OOPSY- made math error in some PMs sent sorry sleep deprived,

the MO from UPPS for $230 covers all but second shipping -another ~$15 or less I hope- IF paying by MO ($230)I will want a PP paymnt of $15 plus 4%- TO COVER 2nd shipping cost added insurance- will have tracking. And I can print ship lables and pay from myPC.

PMs coming to some NOW.
These should be mailed FRIDAY -- or get faster delivery.

hope to have $$ in Linna bank by Thursday (Friday there) IF she can get these to DHL CHina quick we will shave some days off coz once on the way- its 24/7 by AIR.
very fast 2-3 days- once they get to TX its one more day IF not on weekend-- get it??
Hi Hak' you still haven't sent a PM with a name and address to send the MO to.

I'll get the funds in the mail today if you can send me the info before the PO closes.

Thanks again!

