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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Might want to show your kids this...

May 31, 2009
Hey guys,

Kind of a serious issue we are talking about here, but I have a good friend of mine going through a very rough time at the moment. She was ridiculed and bullied as a kid all through high school and had a very low self image. This doesn't really make sense to me because she is quite a beautiful person! She has now made it to the work force and her past is coming back to haunt her. She can't seem to keep a stable job, finds it hard to apply for jobs because of her poor sense of self worth and other issues shes battling at home with her parents.

She found solace in a Youtube video and thinks it is very important to get this young boys message out. He is obviously having a hard time just like my good friend and it doesn't have to be this way.

We should educate our children that bullying is not funny and has serious impacts on a persons life, then and after the fact.

So I would like you to show this to your kids/friends/colleges to try and cut bullying to a zero. I believe if you let someone else get bullied you are just as bad as the bully themselves.

Thanks guys
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Apr 5, 2011
I have never gotten bullied or bullied anyone, but this video is very sad. I hate when I see bullying and usually I try and stop it. This video is so sad but true. Great Job on posting it. People in middle school-high school need to wake up and see the results of bullying. Most people don't think its a big deal to bully someone because they have never gotten bullied.
May 10, 2011
theres a difference between messing around and bullying and to me it seems people dont get that anymore. and neither to teachers/principles...i recently got 18 demerits for beating up a kid that was bullying someone. it may have been the wrong approach but i think i did the right thing. plus it grind the sh1t out of my gears when people disrespect others belongings


May 1, 2007
I was a victim of bullying in school, and I can tell you right now, it has had a huge impact on my life. All these people that just say "Get over it" to their kids are complete retards IMO.

My self confidence level is about the same as a bricks when around people because of it. It's slowly building back up again, but it can really mess you up. Just lucky I have a strong mind and have never considered something like suicide, but I can see why some kids could.


Feb 4, 2011
Got my two boys covered.
Been drilling it into there heads
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]
Just changed up a tad for a 6 and 7 year old to understand.

That and for them to protect each other.
My youngest like to protect to much sometimes. lol
Kid at the park pushed my oldest. So little man busted the kid in his face.
I am so glad i got him out of the habit of holding his thumb in his hand when
making a fist lol.

Makes a Dad so proud.
Sep 20, 2008
That would be a great TV Commercial against Bullying...
I had my share when I was a kid in elementary school
and not even knowing the English language...
That all changed when I was 19...

Aug 13, 2011
First of all where are his parents, where have they been?

I absolutely hate bullies , always have, in school before everything became P.C.

I used to kick their ass, constantly, funny bullies are really the weak ones, cowardly , oxogen thieves.

I wish i knew where the kid lived, im not about sending one of mine over to take care of it, of paying one of the older kids to do it.

Did i mention i hate bullies?

Probably why so many people here who negative rep new people get it from me, see,,,,thats being a cowardly bully too.
Apr 5, 2011
That would be a great TV Commercial against Bullying...
I had my share when I was a kid in elementary school
and not even knowing the English language...
That all changed when I was 19...


Your right, it would be the best commercial against bullying. I want to watch it again but it makes me too sad. Its a great video, it should be required to watch every year of middle school and maybe high school.
Nov 22, 2010
Solve bullying:

Step 1:
Realize that the bullies will not stop, and new ones will replace the ones that are squashed.

Step 2:
Tell your kid that the bullying probably won't stop unless they have an attitude change. Bullied kids are often quiet and antisocial. Give your kid some confidence and they will find friends and tell the bullies to screw themselves. Find your kid a hobby or a sport that they like. Hobbies relieve depression and give a sense of self satisfaction when a goal or a project is finished --self satisfaction which will help your child to gain the confidence required to tell those assholes to fuck off.

Words of truth. If you lead your child to believe that all bullies/assholes will be squashed for them by some higher power such as a principal, boy will they be in for a saddening surprise once they are outside of school!

I don't get people who attempt to stop bullying at the source; it just doesn't work! Find those bullied and giving them real tools to defend themselves is the only way to solve that problem for good.
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May 10, 2011
the thing about bullying is its hard to stop if you go to a counselor i bet it will just make people make fun of you. i dont know that out of personal experience but its my guess. the one way is to kick the bully where it hurts.

bullys are the most insecure people you will ever encounter. allot of there lifes are shit on the inside. thats no excuse for there actions though. if you tell them how insecure they are and how the only reason they are bullying you is to boost their self confidence they will stop dead in their tracks.

bullys need counseling not more punishment. they also need to pull up their self confidence. so they dont bully others using them as a "crutch"

hope that made sense
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Dec 17, 2010
Wow. That was quite moving.
I was one of those that was bullied in school as well, so I can relate.
Sometimes you just don't know what to do.
Thanks for sharing this, bobhaha. :thanks:
Aug 24, 2010
I also got bullied in school, I was small in school going into my junior year I was 4'11" and weighed 85 lbs and when I graduated I was only 5'4" and 130 lbs and I didn't get bigger until I was about 23 or 24. I became a bouncer at a bar that I had worked at since I was 19, I moved sprinkler lines and bucked hay everyday ( 5'10" 185lbs no fat all muscle).
It was always a treat to see some of the guys that bullied me come in and realize who I was. It was even a bigger treat when they started problems and I got to kick their ass and have them arrested.

Bullies are a problem, I still have problems with it and have no tolerance for them. Their parents need get a clue and teach their kids that it is not right. Some even think "oh my kid would never do that" yeah right. The ones that get bullied are usually afraid to tell someone or ask for help, because they are afraid that it will only make things worse and usually does. But they need to get help, all parents should see this video.

Thanks for posting this.

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Aug 24, 2010
Just thought I would give this thread a bump, it deserves to be seen.
May 4, 2009
Bullies Huh, I know of a couple of them that grew up, never got over being one, and are now living right here on LPF, They pass out negative repps like it was candy :tsk:

I only had one bullie in school (5th grade) who ever bothered me, he would trip me and call me names and one time he even gave me a black eye, well
this went on for several months and then one day I couldn't take it any longer and when he approached me I let him have it right in the kisser, he wasn't
expecting to get his lip busted and he never bothered me again !
True story !

Take from that what you want but I think it's like if you let people pick on you and beat you down then others
see this and more will do the same and you will never be rid of the scum that lives on fright and stealing lunch money.
Where as if you stand up and show you will not be beaten down, then the baddies will go some where else :whistle:

Good post Bob :beer: +2
May 31, 2009
Hey guys, thanks for looking and the replies.

It not as easy as punishing one bully, cause another usually steps up to take his place. The problem is the mentality of the kids. They think that if you make fun of others it will increase their social standing. This may work at school, but in the real world there is a major difference. But by that time it's usually too late.

What we have to do is start at the parents. They are the ones that will influence their kids the most. The parents should teach respect to their kids in order for them to do the same to others. Monkey see monkey do... right?

@shhh I respect that. Parents that take a active stance against bullying are doing a good job in my books.
