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Martial Arts?

What martial art do you practice?

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Ears and Eggs

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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
Think there was a thread about this years ago, but the poll got lost in the transfer to the new forum software, so here we go again. :D

What martial art do you practice? Feel free to post why you choose this martial art and at what level you are at. :D Too many martial arts to have every option in the poll so just listed the ones I could think of and added the "Other" option.
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Don't currently practice martial arts, but did do karate back when I was a kid around 8-10 years old. I think I was only a yellow belt :D

I never learned one myself. Kind of regret that though. At this point I'd have no idea where to start or which one to choose.
I used to do Judo, never did get back into it. Considered it last year, never happened. Should probably stop smoking, really get out of breath quick.
I voted but its sort of a lie as I dont practice them anymore. Its been years since ive been at a club. But growing up watching Bruce Lee films from an irresponsible parenting young age ( saw them all before i was 8 years old) I now fear that my skills are SO dangerous that I actually scare MYSELF! :crackup:
I studied aikido jujitsu but not anymore, old auto injuries ( spinal ) have come back to haunt me so now I don't even work out anymore, I do wake up in pain most days.
You should add Taekwondo to the list. It is a Korean style of unarmed martial arts. Took it in my early 20s when I was in college. It was/is a popular style of martial arts.
Good thing about martial arts are the bullies who are attracted to it learn not to be.
Just hope you don't miff him off, he's watching, might learn some moves.
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Don't practice any longer, but I have received training in Iaido, and Gumdo.
Still have a live blade or two, and several Bokken.

I became intrigued with 'Shibumi' which in turn led me to the martial aspect of the arts.
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You should add Taekwondo to the list. It is a Korean style of unarmed martial arts. Took it in my early 20s when I was in college. It was/is a popular style of martial arts.
I believe the Taekwondo is the best for full defense.
I had a friend who came from South Korea at the same 12 years old like me who was a 2nd degree black belt.
This style build his legs so powerful at probably 5'-0+"? at that time he could dunk a tennis ball. Even if a so called thug was way bigger he could just run away:whistle: as he also won every elementry school track meet in the 60, 100, long jump etc.
When we went to high school I saw so many bullies taunt him without knowing what he could do to them and he would just walk away. "I admit I wish he did give them a beat down":D
He was petrified of defying his father wishes of never fighting.
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Don't currently practice martial arts, but did do karate back when I was a kid around 8-10 years old. I think I was only a yellow belt :D


Same here, I got to green belt though. Wax on! Wax off!
Can you add Drunk fighting (Russian style)?

My school frends say that it was much more efficient than any Kung fu and Karate (but they are 2m tall and >100kg in weight and did their military service in Soviet Airborne troops during Afghanistan conflict in the 80ies).
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