Im a Freshman at WVU, In our CS/EE department we have EE, CS, CPE, and Biometrics, with double major programs for any combination you like. You cant actually join the engineering college of wvu until your sophomore year so right now my major isnt official. I'm taking the prereqs right now, but they are the same for all the CS/EE department majors. As long as I decide by next year I wont waste any time in classes I don't need.
I did think about VT, among many other schools, but in state tuition and all the financial aid Im getting here convinced me. Some of the schools I was accepted to I would give anything to afford. Its just not realistic to be 22 years old, right out of college, possibly not have a job secured yet, and carrying a quarter million or more in debt when I can get the same degree at wvu and probably graduate debt free. Hell, I probably wouldnt even be able to get enough loans to cover it all.
My dream was Stanford, but there was no way in hell I'd ever afford it so I didnt even apply. A girl I know with a bit lower scores and etc than me got in, but her parents are rich rich rich.
I definitely want to start working with more displays, one thing I want to do is a DIY e-reader or anything really using a display like this:
E-Paper 2.7in Display - Digikey
Here is the "datasheet" I found:
2.7? TFT EPD Panel % % 2013
Maybe there is an E-paper LPM in the near future?
Its pretty slow to refresh though. Some E-paper I have seen can change parts of the image on screen without refreshing the whole thing, but Im not sure if this is capable or what the limitations of that are.
The problem is I only have experience with the classic 16x2 display so I need to learn a little more before I invest in that.