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FrozenGate by Avery

LPC815 outdoor beamshots

thanks everyone!
the beam was visible to the naked eye but it wasn't that bright, of course the 30 sec exposure helps :)

@LuxorLasers747: 420mA indeed. LM317 driven...
@Seoul_lasers: i dont know if another sink would change anything, it doesn't even get a little warm. i think it's just a little oversized :)
@ped, TacoHerder & Eamon O Regan: it's just a lens flare! because of the bright spotlight that is shining diametrically opposite on the picture...
Ah... Just curious.... That is a pretty big heat sink.... Lots of surface area for heat.
I think my next labby will definitely be copper.
Got some ideas from your build.

Nice looking built! AMAZING beamshots.

Eytyxhs, mistakenly gave you the rep when scrolling up and seeing the picture, `sinner´ did the same :crackup:
dam that thing is bright. and looks so HD. very crisp. +1 to you for creativity and success

Looks like a reflection in the camera's lens of the brightest looking city's street light to me... I see many pics that have these if something is very bright, a zoom in may help identify this "UFO"

correct as per a prior post #16 this thread by dreu

"@ped, TacoHerder & Eamon O Regan: it's just a lens flare! because of the bright spotlight that is shining diametrically opposite on the picture... " -GH
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Amazing laser and great beamshots :beer: +Rep. :)

...May I know the specs of that beast? :thanks:
Oh wow. Is that heat sink size really necessary? lolz. Let's see some specs!! XD
