Yeah well, I have to agree with every point there. Well summed up!
Also, while there are very glaring "attempts" at cross-platform gaming, you have to admit, sometimes there are incredibly good hits too!
For example Mass Effect 3 - due to being cross-platform, developers knew they had to deliver good graphics, but epically optimized so it runs on everything, and tell you what - they surely did. They optimized the SH*T out of that game, at no expense of visuals.
It's less hardware demanding than it's predeccessor, ME2, and looks several times better. Also, 2 second loading times are something I don't think I'll ever understand how it's done.
So while cross-platform gaming has some disadvantages, at least it's driving on the optimizations and playability for folks who do not have uber-1337 machines to game on.
That, paralleled with tech-demo games like Battlefield 3, Crysis, and whatever today is coming out that's demanding brutal beefy computer delivering a lot of horsepower, is pretty much what drives the computing technology forward.
However, what you do with this technology is another point. I didn't play Fallout 3 simply because of one particular insult to every single gamer on this green Earth.
"You probably suck too bad to aim good enough to play our epic game, so let us do it for you", a.k.a. VATS system.
Well, either that, or it may be translated as "We suck at optimizing the gameplay combat experience so let us put it on rails for you". Either way, it sucks.
If at least some degree of reflexes, precision, eye-to-hand coordination and speed isn't demanded from a player in a first person shooting game, how the hell is this a "shooting" game? Do those people even know how a gun works? Do they consider reflexes and other thing unimportant to learn?
Or like the writers at cracked said,
[screenshot of Fallout 3 VATS system]
-Caption "Ahh, combat. Good time to go and take a crap."
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