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FrozenGate by Avery

Look out California Pyro's comming

Yeah tj im so sorry i have my comp screen set on 150% and i the page 4 didnt show up. so sorry :)
BTW if anyone ever decides to come to australia pm me and ill tell you a good spot and we could clash beams??

Help I've been kidnapped LOL I made the mistake of pulling out my WFTM and now I can't get
out the door with my car keys. They say I can have my keys for the Time Machine FAT CHANCE I said,
so we are in a stand off till tommorow after the party :crackup:
So I will be in Winters Till Saturday Morning, this should give all day Sat to meet with people in this area
and if we need to we can even use all day sunday :) Please PM and I will be making phone calls starting now ;)

Everone say hi to a new member RED HOT she's a good friend !

Yep and she loves all the pretty colors, right now she has a WFTM in her hands and is asking for music to be turned on, funny thing some how she talked me into staying for a party tomorrow and the WFTM is comming along ;)

Update more later...

dId you say SHE OMG and female laserist!!!!!!
Everone say hi to a new member RED HOT she's a good friend !

You had not to state this, do you know ?

Now, if she come here and post a welcome thread, half of the forum jump in for say something, and she scare and run away ..... J/K :p :D

BTW, i hope you're not carrying half of your pyro deposit with you, in the trip (or we will know this only when half of the coast blow up in fireworks ? ..... :beer: :crackup:)
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Howdy HIMNL9 Shes a big big girl and can take care of her self I won't worry about here and the boys, she know how to take care of the boys ! ;)
She can't post yet waiting on the email.....

Nope not carring the pyro budget but I do have a small supply of fine Zirconium to pass out along the way ;)
You have a fine day !

You had not to state this, do you know ?

Now, if she come here and post a welcome thread, half of the forum jump in for say something, and she scare and run away ..... J/K :p :D

BTW, i hope you're not carrying half of your pyro deposit with you, in the trip (or we will know this only when half of the coast blow up in fireworks ? ..... :beer: :crackup:)
Thanks T_J thats right on the spot, well I managed to get my WFTM away from the girl named RED HOT (look out she's comming to get you all) so it looks like I will be able to finish my trip as planned without a days delay ;) like I thought was going to happen.
Looks like I'm heading SW on I-505 to the San Jose area for a visit then S a bit more.
Thanks T_J for the help !

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It was very nice meeting you in person today. Your "House of Lasers" on wheels is cool indeed...:cool:

The WFTM looks as good (if not better) in person as it does on this forum. I will be in touch...:D

Safe travels as you head south.

All the best,
hanford! come to hanford! just get off i5 and head east towards visalia and it'll take you straight here hehe :)
I will need some kind of address to input into the GPS...

hanford! come to hanford! just get off i5 and head east towards visalia and it'll take you straight here hehe :)

Great to have meet you Quisp and Rpaloalto some day we have to get everone together ;)
On to my next stop...
Thanks flaminpyro, it was great to finally meet you.
I hope you have a safe journey, and meet lots of new friends along the way.

Hey everybody flaminpyro just left Palo Alto Ca. He is on his way to San Jose for another meet, then further down south. This guy is traveling in a rolling shop, complete with lath and drill press. Give him some A.C. and maybe he will make you a laser;)

Make sure and ask to see the white fusion build:)



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..... This guy is traveling in a rolling shop, complete with lath and drill press.

Hell, man ..... i can just wish to have a little lathe, and you're carrying all this going around ?

NOW, i'm envious, you know ? :cryyy:

J/K ..... no envy (ok, maybe just a little bit), only best wishes :p :D
