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FrozenGate by Avery



Jul 3, 2009
So, let me get this straight. We constantly have to deal with trolls, and people who's intentions here are to start shit & spam. Perfect example, BobH, JellyCrab & Bloompyle. We went through HELL to get BobH banned (He should have been gone a long time ago). I come back today to see that Jerry & Jay were banned. For what, a little spat in the kenometer thread? All I have to say is lol and that's pure bs.

Sorry Ave, but this is one decision of yours that I do not respect, unless I straight up missed something else in which case I'd owe you an apology. But until then...

P.S. Please leave this thread open for at least 24 hours, I want to hear other people's thoughts on this. Since you banned two vets for something so little (Even though it's two days), perhaps you should just ban anyone in this thread that gets out of hand. I seriously want to have a rational, out in the open, mature discussion on this. I really hope you can respect my wish.

P.P.S. So, I stumbled upon this thread.


Eight complaints in one hour from Ken's zombies is enough to warrant a ban?

Eight complaints out of how many members....
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Lasersbee has failed to restrain himself since the release of the Kenometer pro. The review thread was full of libel, wild accusations, trolling, advertisements for his own meters, jabs at the people involved - which ended up getting that thread closed.

Later he does some light modifications on the meter which he pawned off of the reviewer, slapping the laserbee label on the box. After touting all the problems and improvements, he does not post any circuit diagrams or information as to exactly what he changed. Then he PMs me telling me he is going to create his own firmware for the Kenometer Pro hardware, serving no purpose other than to try to get me angry.

Again later in a completely unrelated thread (the starting in arduino thread) he references that the $10 board he saw the OP posting about was "the same thing we found inside our $400 Kenometer Pro" giving again an outright troll and attack. I got tired of it and sent a PM to cold, as did several others (some I talked to on laserchat, others I did not who did it of their own accord)

He has had a spy in laserchat and has on several occasions posted logs on LPF to try and start drama as well as on LE and laughed with his buddies about how we're the ones causing problems.

Now I've seen Timelord has been making threats against my life as well as their plotting to start a holy shitstorm on LPF when he gets back.

That's my perspective anyway.
Interested parties will find this thread... err, interesting actually.


That is very interesting read for those of you who know where to find that article.
I do think their are faults going on here, but not one one side.
They both have points and faults I think if this continues ALL members involved with this should be temp banned for an equal amount of time.
Banning only one side of the 2 wrongs make a victor and they will continue until they eliminate the competition in a case a rampant as this appears, action must be equal to every member taking part on both sides.
In this case it looks to be 1v4-6.
Or a more fun solution is to somehow force those embers to be on an ignore list asap.
That way they would have to take it to pms or another place.
As shocked as I may be, to see both lassersbee and crazyjay banned.
I believe it to be c0ld, just getting tired of dealing with all the drama. He has told us before. That every time their is a disturbance on the forum. He is bombarded by tons of messages.

Thats why we have 3 mods now, we used to have zero.
Unfortunately it looks like, the temp ban on Jerry & Jay. Was used to set a example. That no one is immune from being banned.

This may now bring c0ld even bigger problems. Since he did hand out a ban on two extremely, active vets. He will be expected to show the same due diligence, every time.
Now when a vet pisses off another vet, or member. He will get messages saying '' well ??? needs to be banned. You banned jerry and jay, so why not ???''

Lets just hope both jerry and jay come back after their 2 day ban. Don't want anyone trowing in the towel because of pride.
I know I might have a hard time coming back, if I were banned. Wether it was for a stupid reason, or not.

As far as all the drama goes.
Until we can all learn to be more tolerant, of one another. It's always going to take center stage on LPF.

Since being tolerant and looking the other way is hard, for all of us.
I made this suggestion before. That we have a Drama only board
like the new 445nm board. A place to vent, and talk it out. Some drama threads may last a few days, or even a few months. Some probably wont ever end. But at least it will be contained, and not spread out all over LPF.
Lasersbee has failed to restrain himself since the release of the Kenometer pro. The review thread was full of libel, wild accusations, trolling, advertisements for his own meters, jabs at the people involved - which ended up getting that thread closed.

Later he does some light modifications on the meter which he pawned off of the reviewer, slapping the laserbee label on the box. After touting all the problems and improvements, he does not post any circuit diagrams or information as to exactly what he changed. Then he PMs me telling me he is going to create his own firmware for the Kenometer Pro hardware, serving no purpose other than to try to get me angry.

Again later in a completely unrelated thread (the starting in arduino thread) he references that the $10 board he saw the OP posting about was "the same thing we found inside our $400 Kenometer Pro" giving again an outright troll and attack. I got tired of it and sent a PM to cold, as did several others (some I talked to on laserchat, others I did not who did it of their own accord)

He has had a spy in laserchat and has on several occasions posted logs on LPF to try and start drama as well as on LE and laughed with his buddies about how we're the ones causing problems.

Now I've seen Timelord has been making threats against my life as well as their plotting to start a holy shitstorm on LPF when he gets back.

That's my perspective anyway.

Valid points made Mario. However, he should have gotten a warning, not just a ban. How many complaints were sent in about BobH? He was literally trash talking just about everyone on this forum & nothing was done for months.

As shocked as I may be, to see both lassersbee and crazyjay banned.
I believe it to be c0ld, just getting tired of dealing with all the drama. He has told us before. That every time their is a disturbance on the forum. He is bombarded by tons of messages.

Thats why we have 3 mods now, we used to have zero.
Unfortunately it looks like, the temp ban on Jerry & Jay. Was used to set a example. That no one is immune from being banned.

This may now bring c0ld even bigger problems. Since he did hand out a ban on two extremely, active vets. He will be expected to show the same due diligence, every time.
Now when a vet pisses off another vet, or member. He will get messages saying '' well ??? needs to be banned. You banned jerry and jay, so why not ???''

Lets just hope both jerry and jay come back after their 2 day ban. Don't want anyone trowing in the towel because of pride.
I know I might have a hard time coming back, if I were banned. Wether it was for a stupid reason, or not.

As far as all the drama goes.
Until we can all learn to be more tolerant, of one another. It's always going to take center stage on LPF.

Since being tolerant and looking the other way is hard, for all of us.
I made this suggestion before. That we have a Drama only board
like the new 445nm board. A place to vent, and talk it out. Some drama threads may last a few days, or even a few months. Some probably wont ever end. But at least it will be contained, and not spread out all over LPF.

It's still just funny how Jerry and Jay were banned because of this stuff, which is so petty compared to the examples I stated in my OP. Also, I agree with you 100% that a venting forum needs to be made with no holds barred we can say what ever we want in there.

And I'm with you 100%, if I were ever temp banned I most likely would not return. I have a feeling Jerry won't return, and that angers me TBH.


I also find it hilarrious that as of this post 93 people have read this, and only six people have something to say about it.
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I made this suggestion before. That we have a Drama only board
like the new 445nm board. A place to vent, and talk it out. Some drama threads may last a few days, or even a few months. Some probably wont ever end. But at least it will be contained, and not spread out all over LPF.

That is the greatest thing I have read all day.
I know what your saying Mfo, but I think it's c0ld trying to lead by example with a no tolerance ban, once vets start acting up then the foundation of the forum becomes unstable, with the new trolls, they are simply trolls and mean nothing... But vets have a part to play by setting an example.

drama only board

The issue with that is. the conversation and argument would have already boiled up in the thread and the two or three parties involved wouldn't just shift over too the drama thread. I think like an option in the thread tools to move the thread into the "drama section" would be a good idea, kind of like on some forums they have an archive option.
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Also, MFO in my message to c0ld nowhere did I suggest Jerry be banned. It's certainly not my decision to make.
Also, MFO in my message to c0ld nowhere did I suggest Jerry be banned. It's certainly not my decision to make.

I understand, and I did not ever blame you one bit. I know it was solely Avery's decision to make.
I'm quite happy Crazy Jay is gone. I've spent a lot less time here over the past 6 months because of him. I've told myself several times I'm never coming back here unless he's banned. I have no idea why c0ld likes him so much, he should have been banned months and months ago, several times over.

As for Jerry, he is genuinely helpful and a valued contributor to the forums, but I agree, lately he's been provoking arguments, talking trash about his competitors, derailing threads with his off topic spamming.. I agree he does need a time out for a day or two.
The problem with a "drama" thread, is that the feelings do not stop when one clicks on another board.

Once one has taken the time to type out a response and then defend their position, they are even more entrenched in that mindset.

If people feel free to say whatever they want to, because it is a "drama" thread, then they will. Once those words start to be bandied about, the potential for hurt feelings grows exponentially.

It is better to learn to remember that it is just pixels on a screen.

Yes, I understand that sometimes the feelings get the better of us. It has happened to me as well. However, being free to express whatever you want, is not as good for a community as trying to control the fighting is.

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I have a serious question that I would like answered. I told a few people I wouldn't bring this up, but I can't help it anymore. Check out post # 16 in this thread.


If you look at the EXIF in that JPG file, you'll see that picture was taken on April 16th, 2010, after Ken came here telling us his story and how he's close to becoming homeless, he has kids to feed, etc.

I want to know how he still had $ to afford that pack of cigarettes sitting there. Oh that's right, the donations we all sent him, including myself.

How come not a single person here questioned this?

Here's the picture. I uploaded it in case it "disappears".
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He could do what a lot of people i know do,
They buy in bulk, over 100 packs of cigarettes.
Or he just bummed a pack of a friend or local guy.
Also an addiction like cigarettes he might have spent 5$ on them instead of going to mcd idk, its not that big of a deal.
If you look at the EXIF in that JPG file, you'll see that picture was taken on April 16th, 2010, after Ken came here telling us his story and how he's close to becoming homeless, he has kids to feed, etc.

I want to know how he still had $ to afford that pack of cigarettes sitting there. Oh that's right, the donations we all sent him, including myself.

I would say that you simply do not understand the nature of addiction and/or self-medicating.

