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List of Laser Diodes - 06/02/2021

Okay maybe I just don't understand correctly. Is DPSS not a diode?

Pretty sure it is a crystal that has an infrared diode pumping through it. So yes it has a diode, but that isn't what produces the 532nm wavelength

DPSS in the case of 532nm uses an IR pump diode and a couple of crystals to produce 532nm light.

The 808nm pump diode pumps an Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO4 crystal which produces a beam at 1064nm. A second crystal, typically KTP, frequency doubles the 1064nm beam (halves the wavelength) and produces 532nm.

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Okay maybe I just don't understand correctly. Is DPSS not a diode?

For most 520nm lasers, only one "Laser Diode" emitting ~520nm coherent light is required.

For 532nm today, the DPSS process is used. DPSS is "Diode Pumped Solid State". The 532nm coherent light emitted is via a certain "complicated" process. A pump Diode emitting a "starting" w/l, usually 808nm is used, then corrective optics direct the 808nm light through certain crystals which "tune" the light into 532nm. Its a much more complex system, but has been vastly produced in mass quantity for the little chinese modules hence - why its so cheap.

EDIT: ^^^^^^^^ or see diachi's post above :D

ADDITIONAL EDIT: I need to add the new NDG7575T 1W 520nm diode, and NDG7K75T 1W 520nm diode, can't see a difference too the 7475 with specs but another model number no doubt! :beer:
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Ah, okay, thanks guys. Tried to look it up but it was a bit confusing. I knew 532 lasers were more expensive but didn’t know the exact reasoning. I’ve always been a green guy so I always wanted a nice 532, but those high powered ones are crazy expensive.

520nm isn’t bad but I definitely prefer the color of the 532nm.
You can get a 532nm lab laser for ~$400.00 for over 1.3 watts. That is somewhat expensive, but for the power, not bad at all.
Ah, okay, thanks guys. Tried to look it up but it was a bit confusing. I knew 532 lasers were more expensive but didn’t know the exact reasoning. I’ve always been a green guy so I always wanted a nice 532, but those high powered ones are crazy expensive.

520nm isn’t bad but I definitely prefer the color of the 532nm.

You can get an excellent high quality hand held 532nm from JetLasers $179 for 200mW and going to $599 for 800mWand all of those have IR filters built in see: https://www.jetlasers.org/pl-e-pro/10-pl-e-pro-532nm-green-lasers.html#/1-finish-black/26-power_levels-200mw/50-battery-no/52-10x_beam_expander-no/90-ac_adapter-no/49-goggles-no

They also make a mini version that costs a little less in the higher output power ranges see: https://www.jetlasers.org/pl-e-mini/72-pl-e-mini-532nm-green-laser-50mw-1000mw.html#/1-finish-black/26-power_levels-200mw/50-battery-no/53-switch_type-pl_e_mechanical/52-10x_beam_expander-no/49-goggles-no
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And another update :beer:

Takes awhile to sought the pdf into usable pics for the page....but i think its worth the time :D

I tried to clean up the info around the 505nm diodes, added the 495 and tidy'ed the page up abit

Very nice.

I see the 7A75/7K75 is 450nm, that's good news. :)
This is remarkable. Are there readily affordable sources for the 488s now? Checked DTRs site and it doesn't look like he has them.

Wow, reps are astronomically huge these days.
This is remarkable. Are there readily affordable sources for the 488s now? Checked DTRs site and it doesn't look like he has them.

Wow, reps are astronomically huge these days.

Good to see you back rhd :beer:

I wouldn't say readily available, as it stands the Osram PLT5-488 diode is the most available, but we are all waiting on the price to fall, cheapest is $900 through known stores, or ~$275 from a few china suppliers.

After that, i think all us members are waiting on Sharp to release a 488nm version of there most recent run of amazing wavelengths, which included readily available 495nm and 505nm diodes.
As for all those Nich*a 488nm diodes listed, they remain extremely expensive to purchase, and only via Nich*a themselves.

I have some more 495nm diodes on the way. As soon as I get them, I will bin them by wavelength and they will be available to anyone who wants one.
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I have some more 495nm diodes on the way. As soon as I get them, I will bin them by wavelength and they will be available to anyone who wants one.
Why did you have to say that Paul, I’m still not ready. :banghead: :p
At least more will be available. :)
If you are truly interested, I could set one aside for you, Curtis. Let me know. :yh:
