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List of Laser Diodes - 06/02/2021

I needed cheap diodes and didn't really know where to look, and it seemed like old diode lists were outdated or incomplete.
So I decided to make the mac daddy of diode lists.

This list will be open for anyone to edit, so feel free to correct any typo's, wrong prices you see, or add any new diodes that come out!
Hopefully LPF will tailor this list to our laser-building liking!

Here it is:

Big thanks to jnrpop for his existing list!
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Nice list. Unfortunately html embeds aren’t allowed on the forum. It is usually disabled for security reasons. I’ve wished that I could do that here myself for a while. However you can copy tables into xenforo. I setup a table on excel that when i copy the data, it already has bb code included to format the wavelength colours.
Note that this list is incomplete as I am brain dead ...
You obviously don't have much of a clue beyond beyond copying/purloining some jnrpop's list and adding a few items. and prices.

You can easily just add whatever handful of diodes your found to jnrpops list with a post to that LPF "stickyed" by the Mods thread last updated 21 June 2020 rather than reinventing the wheel and confusing people visiting and viewing LPF.
jnrpop can then add whatever you found to his list in next update.

See LPF "stickyed" jnrpop list here: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/list-of-laser-diodes-21-06-2020.100402/page-11
and CurtisOlivers Wavelength Thread here: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/updated-the-wavelength-thread.103010/ update 24 Juan 2021. Together they already cover the topic very well.

Have a look at professional list of diodes and manufacturer----see Laser Diode Source over 10,000 laser diodes , modules, and systems -- https://www.laserdiodesource.com/
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Maybe refine the list to only include diodes that can be bought on Ebay, Aliexpress, Taobao, or any other general consumer website (not OEM)

If we want a list of all the inaccessible diodes mixed in with the good ones, we can just go to the professional list Encap posted
Maybe refine the list to only include diodes that can be bought on Ebay, Aliexpress, Taobao, or any other general consumer website (not OEM)

If we want a list of all the inaccessible diodes mixed in with the good ones, we can just go to the professional list Encap posted

I don't want to do that because I was looking for a 375nm diode and searched DEEP into google for them, and sometimes, SOME rare diodes DO show up used on ebay surplus market. (Yes, I sound like styropyro lol i am a big fan, I dont care haha)
BUT, I did include "availability" tab so users could filter out all the didoes which are not commonly available and easy to find!
Nice list. Unfortunately html embeds aren’t allowed on the forum. It is usually disabled for security reasons. I’ve wished that I could do that here myself for a while. However you can copy tables into xenforo. I setup a table on excel that when i copy the data, it already has bb code included to format the wavelength colours.

By the way, thanks for your also detailed diode list! I used that too!

I don't understand this xenforo you talk about haha, can you explain in layman's terms? :)
I can't edit, plz at least enable suggesting mode (by allowing commenting)
You can easily just add whatever handful of diodes your found to jnrpops list with a post to that LPF "stickyed" by the Mods thread last updated 21 June 2020...

Yeah, but adding them to the actual list rather than in PAGES of replies is way more efficient for future people who check that list.
Here I've made a public open source list of laser diodes using this page's info to hopefully collect more and more known diodes! I added as many as I could but the effort is insane haha I spent too many hours on this.

Here it is:
I like this, but I have suggestions. I think we need to differentiate the model name of known diodes from whatever we as community decided to name others. Example: "BDR-209" is not the model of the actual diode, but it is what we sourced it from.

Power output and drive current should also be separated between the real spec, and what us enthusiasts like to over-drive them to.

Other useful info can be pinout, case polarity, and typical threshold current.

To share ideas, here is an example of how I keep track of my own diodes, both known and unknown:


  • Untitled.png
    65.3 KB · Views: 4
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I like this, but I have suggestions. I think we need to differentiate the model name of known diodes from whatever we as community decided to name others. Example: "BDR-209" is not the model of the actual diode, but it is what we sourced it from.

Power output and drive current should also be separated between the real spec, and what us enthusiasts like to over-drive them to.

Other useful info can be pinout, case polarity, and typical threshold current.

To share ideas, here is an example of how I keep track of my own diodes, both known and unknown:
View attachment 71607
Thing is , nobody knows the actual diode model name haha! (For the bdr-209)

Go ahead and make these changes if you so desire ! (The sheet is open to all to edit)

Oh and yes , I wrote (V typ, I typ) to signify these are operating normal ranges and not overdriven specs. That was implied already.
900mW is certainly not the real spec of that diode. It may be good enough for daring enthusiasts to put in a pointer for sort run times, but someone else may think they can run it like that indefinitely, thinking that number is the manufacture's spec. This is why manufacturer data need to be separated from community made data. "BDR-209" is the name of the drive where the diode is extracted from, NOT the official part number of the diode itself. Presenting it this way is misleading and can cause confusion.
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