Wicked Lasers strives to offer an open environment for laser enthusiasts to freely communicate and exchange laser knowledge, opinions on WL products, and suggestions regarding new products and features. To this day, Laser Community hosts the largest forum for lasers and portable lasers and has become the ideal source for laser information, recommendations, and media selection. To keep spammers from posting non-constructive posts for economic gains, we ask our valued members to kindly follow the rules and regulations posted here.
General Posting Guidelines
User Names / Avatars / Signatures should NOT contain:
1. Obscene or offensive words or comments. This includes, but is not limited to, those that discriminate by race, gender, sexual orientation or the use of foul language.
2. Links or text focused on aggressive marketing (ie…promo codes, affiliate links, other advertising).
3. Names of other laser companies, products, or their links.
Spam, Sales and Trading
Spam is strictly prohibited. Please refrain from advertising products of any nature on this forum. This includes posting sales or requesting trades of any sort including lasers and laser-related items. This forum is for educational purposes only. No selling or trading. Period.
PMs Containing Advertising
Those that PM aggressive or rude advertising to use their promo codes and affiliate links will be banned. Giving out false information through PMs will also result in a ban from the forum.
Company Names
Posting of laser company names and their accompanying products other than those approved by Laser Community are strictly prohibited. Laser company names beside Wicked Lasers, Laser Pointer, techlasers, and Starphaser should be posted in a generic manner such as “another laser company.”
Promo Codes and the WL Affiliate Program
Promo codes and affiliate links are intended for use on personal or business homepages and should not be advertised on these forums through posting or PMs. Links which re-direct forum browsers directly to a promo code of affiliate link (or to a webpage which has the sole purpose of displaying such a code) are unacceptable.
Pages will be determined suitable for linking in the forum on a case by case basis. If you receive a formal warning, you will need to have your page comply with the forum rules.
Customer Support Questions
Laser Community is an excellent forum for discussing WL products, its abilities, and its usages. As we are unable to answer many of your customer support questions and concerns over the forum, we are requesting all customer support related posts to be sent directly to
support@wickedlasers.com. Our quality support staff will gladly assist you with any issues you may have.
Double Posting:
Do not double post, this is why there is an edit button to the right of your post. Double posting will be treated as spam.
Leet speak/Net speak:
This is highly annoying, posts containing any Leet/Net speak will be treated as spam.
Terms and Conditions of Use
In using this forum, you agree that the administrators and the moderators of the forums reserve the right to print, alter, move, or close any message for whatever reason and without your prior consent.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned and your service provider being informed. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.
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