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Jun 11, 2013
I ordered a laser from Lazerer on the 9th and I was really excited about getting my first fairly high powered laser... I read a few negative comments about the company but ploughed on regardless. It arrived in a week and it's flipping marvelous! Absolutely smashing stuff! Hats off to them.....

Feb 21, 2013
If you got the power graph it might not be accurate. I love my laser from lazerer and was sad to see the recent slip up they had. My graph showed 108mW ave with 12mW of IR. I tested it last night for the firat time and it did 125-130mW ave with 30-40mW of IR. Not sure if I have a crappy IR filter or what but will test into it more.

Glad you like your laser and you ahould poat some picturea for us. Also please update your profile with a location so down the raod if you have a question we will be able to answer it more accurately. Every country has different laws and even states so without a location your future questions will never be answered.
Sep 20, 2008
If you got the power graph it might not be accurate. I love my laser from lazerer and was sad to see the recent slip up they had. My graph showed 108mW ave with 12mW of IR. I tested it last night for the firat time and it did 125-130mW ave with 30-40mW of IR. Not sure if I have a crappy IR filter or what but will test into it more.

Glad you like your laser and you ahould poat some picturea for us. Also please update your profile with a location so down the raod if you have a question we will be able to answer it more accurately. Every country has different laws and even states so without a location your future questions will never be answered.

Why wouldn't the Graph be accurate...:thinking:
What did you test your Lasers with and at what test
area temperature..

Although this is the 1st time I hear that a claimed >100mW
Chinese Laser is actually OVER spec..

Feb 21, 2013
Why wouldn't the Graph be accurate...:thinking:
What did you test your Lasers with and at what test
area temperature..

Although this is the 1st time I hear that a claimed >100mW
Chinese Laser is actually OVER spec..


I read a bunch of posts when I was first joined about lazerer and constantly being on or over spec. I measured with an Ophir head (first time using it so its "brand new" overstock) paired with the Rubicon. All the other lasers I own and metered came in right on spec of what the previous owners metered them at (some came from LB owners and others from Ophir/ARGMeter owners so its not the LPM in question). Temperature was ~75-80F with low humidity. Meter was turned on and let sit for 5-10 minutes to let adjust to the room temp and what not (was also changing the settings of the meter and Peregrine to my preference). 405nm laser from LB that was metered at ~80mW, tested at peak 93mW/average 76mW & 650nm laser previously tested at 121mW peak did 125mW peak on my meter.

The only laser that was of any variance was the lazerer stick. not sure what this is due to, could be the climate difference between HK and FL or a meter that needs to be recalibrate, but im not getting into that discussion since simply put, i dont know what meter was used (says it on the print out but its still packed away somewhere), the last calibration, abuse, etc.....

Also I personally own a LaserBtb HL532- 300mW model that metered by Baron on a LB 2.5W USB doing over 400mW average. Based on that, would you say your product is correct or over reading :thinking: (not trying to be rude but just asking a simple question since you know your products more than i do). Didnt get a chance to personally meter that or my 445nm last night but will do it this week.


EDIT: you do realize that you said "1st time I hear that a claimed >100mW Chinese Laser is actually OVER spec.."
If its >100mW (greater than 100mW) then it should be over 100mW, thus over spec, which it turned out to be. Dont see an issue in that at all
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Jul 17, 2009
LivinLoud, you got your Ophir sensor from clcen1 on ebay, correct?

A while back Jerry and I both did some testing on Ophir heads and found that there was some level of variability among the sensors from ebay. Most are within 3%, but we've found some as high as 8-10%. That's why ARG makes sure each Ophir sensor that comes bundled with a Rubicon is on-spec.

In Jerry's defense, my four-year-old LaserBee I read within 1% of a NIST-traceable LPM without the need for recalibration. Some LaserBee models might be slow, but for the most part are quite accurate.

I can't speak for the LPM Lazerer uses (I think it's a LaserBee?), but the slow response time of the TEC might be covering up a short-lived peak.

Like you said, if the laser in question is a DPSS laser, it's probably the testing conditions.

Feb 21, 2013
yeah its from that seller and yes lazerer does use some model LB (forget what it is since the graph is still packed away). Based on the other lasers i tested and everything being within 5mW of what previous owners test results show, i assumed my ophir is close to spec. like i said above, i think i did anyways, i have lasers tested on everything from a TEC LB to Ophir (ARGMEter, NoSpin and Blord's custom built LPM). I wasnt questioning Jerry's products at all and i cant speak on Lazerer's LPM since ive never seen it nor know the maintenance or care of it. I think its due to climate differences and also the response time of the Ophir like Trevor mentioned. although looking at the graph shows a pretty constant ~120mW for a good 36 seconds before dropping off as seen below

Another possibility could be the different batteries used. Afaik Lazerer uses the Ultrafire batteries he sells (although he recently added Panasonics to his stock) and mine is tested with a Panasonic 2900mAh. Im going to test with my Sanyo 2200mAh to see if there is a variance between cells.
Sep 20, 2008
Lazerer uses a LaserBee 2.5W USB.
Not sure if his Sensor's coating is still pristine
and his LPM still calibrated after all this time...

LivinLoud, you got your Ophir sensor from clcen1 on ebay, correct?

A while back Jerry and I both did some testing on Ophir heads and found that there was some level of variability among the sensors from ebay. Most are within 3%, but we've found some as high as 8-10%. That's why ARG makes sure each Ophir sensor that comes bundled with a Rubicon is on-spec.

In Jerry's defense, my four-year-old LaserBee I read within 1% of a NIST-traceable LPM without the need for recalibration. Some LaserBee models might be slow, but for the most part are quite accurate.

I can't speak for the LPM Lazerer uses (I think it's a LaserBee?), but the slow response time of the TEC might be covering up a short-lived peak.

Like you said, if the laser in question is a DPSS laser, it's probably the testing conditions.


What is ARG using to make sure the OPHIR sensors are in fact correct ??

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Aug 7, 2010
Sorry for being offtopic but...
I've been thinking

One could not attach a surface mount, precision, wired, 1 ohm resistor to the sensor, and power the resistor on with 1V (measured 1.000V) ?
The sensor would read 1W, right?


Feb 27, 2011
Sorry for being offtopic but...
I've been thinking

One could not attach a surface mount, precision, wired, 1 ohm resistor to the sensor, and power the resistor on with 1V (measured 1.000V) ?
The sensor would read 1W, right?

Scientech uses a similar method to calibrate their sensors.

I haven't tried it, so I can't tell you if it would work on a hobbyist scale.

I use a brand new, direct from Coherent, NIST traceable, Coherent Fieldmax-TO with a PM30 thermopile.
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Jul 18, 2013
My order from lazerer is still at processed its been like this for 3 days now, and I ordered EMS shipping too, I'm assuming EMS is nothing but shipping not processing time?
Jun 8, 2013
I ordered a laser from Lazerer on the 9th and I was really excited about getting my first fairly high powered laser... I read a few negative comments about the company but ploughed on regardless. It arrived in a week and it's flipping marvelous! Absolutely smashing stuff! Hats off to them.....

I have to agree with you! I read the same comments, but the 100mW 532nm I ordered from Max was and still is a great laser! I'm probably going to make another buy from them here soon. The shipping time for me was close to 1 month though. That was my only complaint, but the product itself was spot on!
