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Lasers vs pirates

Using non lethal weapons on pirates is stupid. They might be warded off in one attack but are likely to just try again. The need to be jailed or fired at with deadly weapons.
If they have to use lasers why not just point a mounted Coherent 325W 532nm laser at their faces?
If they have to use lasers why not just point a mounted Coherent 325W 532nm laser at their faces?

Probably less expensive than the system in the OP... I second this motion.

"Lasers vs. Pirates"

I thought you wanted us to choose :na:

The dazzler will probably work in conjunction with some other device. It will help to prevent a small craft from approaching a merchant vessel, but remember all they have to do is shut their eyes or put their hand in front of their face. Maybe a high voltage stun-gun water cannon as well? :D
Why not just put that tactical laser system (the one that's mounted on a jet) on a ship... ship is probably nuclear powered. That is, assuming they don't miss and flash boil half the ocean.

What about napalm-head RPG ? ..... cheap, can be self-built, and practically anyone can use it (no special training for point-and-pull)


No, wait, too easy to mess up with them ..... nevermind :D
Couldnt the pirates just shield their eyes with protective goggles if this becomes the weapon of choise against them?

Sounds like an expensive system that is easily countered. Am I wrong?
