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Laserfocusworld Magazine group loan

Oct 24, 2009
An engineering friend turned me on to this some time ago, The magazine is TECHNICAL, if you really want to know what makes lasers tick, right down to how the crystals are grown, doped, and what has been accomplished in the world of lasers, then this magazine may be of interest. (I can hardly put mine down when I get it)

here is the site

Laser Focus World:Laser, Optics, Photonics News & Technology Advances


Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Very cool! I wonder if they carry it at my barnes & noble? Probably not...
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Ouch! a subscription costs $150 a year!!!!!!!!

I get mine given to me every month, Steve gets them at work, I gave him a $10 green pointer, he started bringing me the mags every month, so I never really checked on a subscription.

12.50 an issue is one expensive mag.
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Yeah, thats why I was hoping to find it at barnes & noble so I can read it there and not pay $150 a year ;)
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Good luck, this mag is so technical I imagine it's targeted directly at engineers.

I'll quote a sentence at random, you tell me if it's technical or not.

"Spectral green emissions is readily achieved by increasing the InN fraction in the GaInN alloy of the quantum wells, yet epitaxial growth is tricky"
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

LOL, yeah I'd qualify that as technical! Even if I could only understand half of what was said I still would find it to be a good read. I often read things that are way over my head. But I store the information and when I've learned enough to understand said information it becomes useful in some way or another.
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

The exciting part is I read that whole article three times, I figured out this much from it, we as enthusiasts are in for some new and exciting wavelengths soon.

They are already building true green diodes that skip the whole KTP part of the process.

The next step will be making them affordable to people like us.
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Awesome!! now for some affordable 473nm and 593nm!!
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

I read on the net that they were experimenting with the same diode materials as the current blu-rays but slightly different dopants to produce something close to the dpss 532nm? is that right Photonaholic?
I also read stuff i don't understand then it all suddenly clicks when i understand one part of it :) self learning is slow but its the best. :)
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Years ago, I got this Mag FREE!!!! Guess I'll rely on you guys to report on the good stuff.

Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

If I had a steady paycheck I'd subscribe... that looks very interesting.

Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Man, I get this shit for free every month. I get like 10 different magazines and crap I never read or signed up for. If you go to a trade show like Photonics West or CLEO, they automatically send you the copies for free.
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

Man, I get this shit for free every month. I get like 10 different magazines and crap I never read or signed up for. If you go to a trade show like Photonics West or CLEO, they automatically send you the copies for free.

looking those up now XD

Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

I read on the net that they were experimenting with the same diode materials as the current blu-rays but slightly different dopants to produce something close to the dpss 532nm? is that right Photonaholic?
I also read stuff i don't understand then it all suddenly clicks when i understand one part of it :) self learning is slow but its the best. :)

As I understand it, yes. The author of the article makes blu ray references throughout the article.
Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

I saw some 5.6mm micro-532nm modules for sale, but they were super-long canned, and probably prototypes. They were in the google ad links, but I can't seem to find them again! :( also, aren't the "green" diodes they're working on closer to 555nm (brightest color :) )?

Re: Laserfocusworld Magazine

I saw those modules too! they looked really cool... just a 5.6mm dia diode base and an extra long can for both crystals! i wonder if they will do a higher power version in the to-5 9mm package?..... or maybe even a blue one in a to-3 package :D. I think i read that they were researching into making the green diodes in two wavelengths close to 532nm and another around the optimum 555nm? :) I cant wait!
