Hey Crazy jay....
you just seem to bring this on yourself....
I'm not sure if you understand that
EVERYTHING you post is visible
to over 8000 LPF members and any of them have the right to post
their opinions...
Coldshadow will give all of you infra(c)tions.
Oh really.... I wasn't aware of that...
Would you like to explain that statement in more detail and how this
will come about....:thinking:
yet it seems some members don't want that so they will have to face those consequences.
Oh my god... you have me trembling.... I'm really scared now...:cryyy:
What a childish remark from a kid trying to be an adult...
This is ColdShadows forum and if he wants it to stop then it must stop.
What c0ld posted was that we should forget the posts prior to c0ld
posting and that we should move on...
Which is what we did... then you became aggressive again when the
question of deleting or not deleting this thread came up...
What are you talking about? And yes you must stop. You must stop stalking me too
Do you actually read and comprehend the English Language... :thinking:
"pseudolobster" has done nothing but support you and tried to help
you get along... then you turn around an bite him.... :tsk:
I think he has been too lenient and forgiving with you.... this is not a
Kindergarten.... no-one will kiss your Boo-Boo...
Either take your head out of your @ss or change dealers... and grow up..
Your childish attitude only shows your frustrated real age...
but this time its you guys alone. Bye
That is about the most mature thing you have stated on this thread...
If you can stick to what you say...