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Laser Incidents in Washington

Feb 24, 2014
I got curious to see how many incidents that we in Washington state involving lasers. The number of lasers involved in incidents is quite staggering. I keep finding incidents with lasers and planes, cars, trains and every thing that moves you can think of. It goes to show that the amount of Dumb Idiots Does mean there out there in force and It shames me to no avail. Here are some of the finds that I have found.

Washington state | Laser Pointer Safety - News of aviation-related incidents, arrests, etc.

Strait of Juan de Fuca laser incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Man arrested for pointing laser at WSP aircraft

Pilots landing at Seattle-Tacoma airport report lasers - CNN.com

4 more Sea-Tac flights targeted with laser | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

2 people arrested for pointing laser at passing cars - Spokane, North Idaho News & Weather KHQ.com


It really just make me sick to find that many issues with laser safety issues in Washington. I would like to see how many of you can find issues with lasers being pointed at any one or any thing. Here you go guys

I think you posted in this one??


5,288 views- 115 posts- sorta the same as you are doing with this one-

I agree its not looking like things are getting better even tho the numbers were down a little in 2014 from 2013-
its still like an average of 10 laser on arircarft incident reports daily-

I wish the TSA would spend more time guarding the runways at night and less time
groping me.- I think there was one incident where the plane did a flyaround aborted landing- and another where a student pilot in a heli got lased several times during landing-

Mr Murphy stays on top the latest at LSP.com-

I was going to send him a link but checked first and he was ahead on me.

He does like to hear about what happens after- some of that does not make it into the press-
He prolly does not have time to seek all that out -but what he did find was very interesting and telling-

'Biggest mistake of my life' -
and almost all are barred from ever owning another laser--(thats a given)
Seems no matter where I turn, anything fun gets regulated or made illegal, recreational lasers next.
Seems no matter where I turn, anything fun gets regulated or made illegal, recreational lasers next.

This makes me sad :(. I think that if we raised awareness, (i.e. all chipped in to get a billboard in a large city) we could help prevent these incidents. I'm pretty sure that if people were aware of the consequences there would be far less of them.

It was meant to be about safety and a informational thread. I did not post in yours though. I was curious to find out how many incidents were in my state and it covers a period from 2004 to today
The more this goes on, the more law enforcement will be flying with the night vision cameras to find individuals doing this. Likely, the individuals who do it once will do it twice and even more... once a report comes in, they might be flying in someones area trying to get someone to flash them. I had a helicopter which kept coming back to my neighborhood for awhile after I had only been using my laser to point at stars, I expect, they were there trying to see if I would point at them. No one hovers around neighborhoods or circles them in a helicopter unless law enforcement.
The more this goes on, the more law enforcement will be flying with the night vision cameras to find individuals doing this. Likely, the individuals who do it once will do it twice and even more... once a report comes in, they might be flying in someones area trying to get someone to flash them. I had a helicopter which kept coming back to my neighborhood for awhile after I had only been using my laser to point at stars, I expect, they were there trying to see if I would point at them. No one hovers around neighborhoods or circles them in a helicopter unless law enforcement.

You can also tell if the helicopter is law enforcement if it's flying below 1500 ft. Unless taking off or landing close by or if it is a medical evacuation helicopter (always red and white color). Not sure if that applies nation wide in the US or not but I think so. It may be different in other countries.

These guys were at like 500 feet, it isn't even legal to fly that low in densely populated areas at that altitude unless landing or taking off, or law enforcement helicopters doing their job. Another tip-off they aren't normal aviation.
FDA Safety Notification: Risk of Eye and Skin Injuries from High-powered, Hand-held Lasers Used for Pointing or Entertainment
Date Issued: Dec. 16, 2010

{dec 16 2010!!things got 'worse' in 5 years NOT better- )

Audience: Consumers

Product: Hand-held laser pointers that emit 5 milliwatts (mW) output power or higher.

Purpose: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting consumers about the risk of eye and skin injuries from high-powered laser pointers.

Summary of Problem and Scope:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting consumers about the risk of eye and skin injuries from exposure to high-powered laser pointers. FDA regulations limit the energy output of hand-held laser pointers to 5 milliwatts (mW).

Although illegal and potentially dangerous, they are increasingly available on the Internet and in stores. The FDA wants to make consumers aware that they should not buy these lasers for themselves or as gifts for others.

Even at the 5mW legal limit, when lasers are aimed directly into the eye, they will cause temporary flash blindness. This will not likely cause permanent injury, because most people have a protective reflex to look away, blink, or make other involuntary movements to protect the eyes. However, reflections of the laser beam from mirrors or metallic surfaces may not induce the protective reflex quickly enough to avoid injury, and intentionally keeping your eyes open and staring into a 5 mW beam will cause eye injury.

Lasers that emit more than 5mW output power can cause irreversible eye injury of increasing severity with increased output power. These high-powered laser pointers can irritate or even burn the skin.

The FDA believes that many eye injuries from laser pointers go unreported. Nonetheless, the FDA is aware of laser pointer radiation incidents involving military personnel, researchers, and public speakers. The number of eye injuries in children resulting from playing with laser pointers is increasing. The FDA is aware of three incidents reported in the media among children in 2010.

The FDA is also aware of incidents reported by the Federal Aviation Administration of pilots experiencing temporary flash-blinding when lasers are aimed at their aircraft. The temporary loss of vision reported by pilots during these incidents could cause a serious accident. In 2009, pilots reported a total of 1500 incidents of light beams striking their aircrafts or illuminating their cockpits, the majority of which were from laser light. In the first 10 months of 2010, 2321 incidents were reported. Using a laser to illuminate aircraft is a federal crime. Individuals convicted of shining either legal or overpowered lasers on an aircraft are subject to fines and may be sentenced to prison time due to the seriousness of such crimes.

Other incidents that the FDA is aware of include:

********* see link at top to read more*******

and it goes on for some length.
so considering what has transpired since 2010- the situation has to be much worse now-

I would not expect any kind of advance warning- it they were to make ownership illegal - they may already have everybodies sig saved in files with our names on it.

I think I read that 4 of the 6 cities with most laser on aircraft incidents were in Texas and Calf. one year it was Dallas- as #1- go cowboyz!
they may already have everybodies sig saved in files with our names on it.
I have a couple high powered lasers that aren't *quite* finished yet, maybe I just won't list them after they're done...

Just in case.
I have a couple high powered lasers that aren't *quite* finished yet, maybe I just won't list them after they're done...

Just in case.

when 'they' start it will be aimed those selling completed lasers- especailly if they were also the builder/maker- there is more broken rules/reg/ laws etc concerning lasers than I can list. The 'run' the FDA did agiant M??? was a taste of what may come- 'buys' will be made just like drugs- and fed warrants will be issued searches will be made- thank you very much WICKED LASERS- for ALL the GREAT press you got us as if the idiots with the lasers ere not enough already..

from FDA 2010

Although illegal and potentially dangerous, they are increasingly available on the Internet and in stores. The FDA wants to make consumers aware that they should not buy these lasers for themselves or as gifts for others.'

^^^ 5 yrs ago
what has changed?? ahh?? 3 W 445 for 199$ - green 70mW pointers for $2.33--

- The word is 'laser'- no mention of lg med or small-in size- if its over 5 mW its lets say- 'not legal'-- to make sell or display in public w/o a FDA varaince and a show plan for the laser (s) use. these must be renewed every 2 years- and if you add new 'gear' not in your variance you must add it.

the best we can hope for is 'status quo'- let things go on like they are- lock up those thinking lasers are good for pranks- maybe some glint of intellegance will somehow appear and say- 'you know- lasers are not REALLY all that effective against aircraft- lets put our $$ and energy towards a real threat,, ' :tsk:
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