Last year I looked for LED Xmas lights with no luck.
They finally are available now.
Not enough heat to maka a bubble light, sorry.
This is not a endorsment, just a quick example.
25 feet long, 5 colors, 4 inch spacing, 4 Watts total, 50k hours, limit 3 sets per string.
I have found if you you but more than 5 LEDs in series they will burn out!
I think what happens is in a nanosecond one LED steals the power from the others and they short out like falling dominos.
I just ordered some to see how they are wired and because they are GREEEN!
Your the man today, I thought that was a great application for a blast of LASER photons!
I thought is was was gonna be a tiny glass tube that bubbles from miniture Xmas lites.
That'a a big liquid/vacuum tube!
Did you inhale that smoke? HAhAhaHA [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
Kenom what happens when you shoot it from the side? Thanks for pointing this out, I passed one of those by at a thrift store not long ago, aparently they get "Weaker" in effect with age also.
shipped a long time ago Chuck. I think it was tuesday since monday was a holiday er something or was that last week. Anyway, it went out tuesday. Be lookin for it!