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Kryton Logo competition

VillageIdiot said:
I just made my own snowflakey design, which I did not steal, just drew a little inspiration. A rep for who guesses where from ;)

I whacked it next to the kryton as per normal, but then I thought hey, let's slap a border on it and replace the O. Again, drawing inspiration except this time from RA_pierce.

i still has to be one solid color though.

bobobob121 said:
i still has to be one solid color though.

Bobobob, I don't mean to be rude, and I know you're probably just trying to offer "constructive criticism," but to be honest, you're getting a little annoying. Instead of knocking down everyone's submissions and ideas, why don't you submit your own?
You probably don't mean to sound like a jerk, but, at least to me, your comments seem a little rude.

Now, this isn't meant to start an argument, I'm just saying that some comments are unnecessary.


And VI, nice job I like it, however I don't know if I dig the yamaha thing too much.
RA_pierce said:
[quote author=bobobob121 link=1216695019/120#128 date=1216909829]

i still has to be one solid color though.

Bobobob, I don't mean to be rude, and I know you're probably just trying to offer "constructive criticism," but to be honest, you're getting a little annoying. Instead of knocking down everyone's submissions and ideas, why don't you submit your own?
You probably don't mean to sound like a jerk, but, at least to me, your comments seem a little rude.

Now, this isn't meant to start an argument, I'm just saying that some comments are unnecessary.


And VI, nice job I like it, however I don't know if I dig the yamaha thing too much.


alright, i gotcha. And i have submitted two logos..the one i chose as my final submission is in my sig. But if you simply looked at one of my posts a little clearer you would see that. ;D
Re-aligned and resized some of the letters so that the size matches better:


  • kryton-original_002.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 69
RattleHead said:
Re-aligned and resized some of the letters so that the size matches better:

im starting to really like yours..

the only thing i would change is to flip that K vertically and rotate around so it looks a bit more professional. Also, i would make the letters a little closer together. But other than that, i like...
bobobob121 said:
[quote author=RattleHead link=1216695019/120#132 date=1216939460]Re-aligned and resized some of the letters so that the size matches better:

im starting to really like yours..

the only thing i would change is to flip that K vertically and rotate around so it looks a bit more professional. Also, i would make the letters a little closer together. But other than that, i like...[/quote]


Flipped K version:


  • flipped-k.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 75
RattleHead said:
[quote author=bobobob121 link=1216695019/120#133 date=1216940057][quote author=RattleHead link=1216695019/120#132 date=1216939460]Re-aligned and resized some of the letters so that the size matches better:

im starting to really like yours..

the only thing i would change is to flip that K vertically and rotate around so it looks a bit more professional. Also, i would make the letters a little closer together. But other than that, i like...[/quote]


Flipped K version:

This is pretty much what I was invisioning but that K really doesn't look that much like a K.  Especially a capital K.  That and it really needs to be put back into just black.  I especially like the Y. Literally that Y is what I was invisioning for the entire thing. You can clearly see it's a Y as can you clearly see it's composed of crystals. even when it's black.
Kenom said:
This is pretty much what I was invisioning but that K really doesn't look that much like a K.  Especially a capital K.  That and it really needs to be put back into just black.  I especially like the Y.  Literally that Y is what I was invisioning for the entire thing.  You can clearly see it's a Y as can you clearly see it's composed of crystals.  even when it's black.

How about this:


  • kryton-grayscale2.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 81
And the edited original if you want to make it darker or lighter:


  • kryton-original2.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 73
well if you can stand it i would like to add some constructive criticizm ... i would rotate the K counter  clock wise about 5-10 degrees move the r down slightly move the Y down alittle and maybe make it a bit smaller
make the T larger and extend the arms out right and left over the y and o maybe use one of the legs off the K because they are long already

maybe instead of moving the r down move the k up or something ... just something right at the first looks out of alignment ...

also ... i like the crystals comming from the sides of the y maybe you could add those to all the letters ?

if anyone else doesn't agree with this please say so because i am just offering my opinion and i don't necessarely like the same thing as everyone else
Yes, that K looks waaay better. I also agree with maven, you need to "align" the letters with one another a bit better The r needs to be a bit taller. Y needs to be moved down just a teenie bit, T needs to be enlarged. n needs to be straightened out a bit. Man I'll tell ya. That's shapin up to be freakin awesome. However yours is not the only one that is awesome. All of these entries with the exception of a few obvious "joke" submissions are all spectacular.
Maven said:
well if you can stand it i would like to add some constructive criticizm ... i would rotate the K counter  clock wise about 5-10 degrees move the r down slightly move the Y down alittle and maybe make it a bit smaller
make the T larger and extend the arms out right and left over the y and o maybe use one of the legs off the K because they are long already

maybe instead of moving the r down move the k up or something ... just something right at the first looks out of alignment ...

also ... i like the crystals comming from the sides of the y maybe you could add those to all the letters ?

if anyone else doesn't agree with this please say so because i am just offering my opinion and i don't necessarely like the same thing as everyone else

Sounds good.. I'll try a few of those suggestions when I get back to my computer again (tomorrow afternoon), and then I'll post a few more versions here.
Kenom said:
Yes, that K looks waaay better.  I also agree with maven, you need to "align" the letters with one another a bit better  The r needs to be a bit taller.  Y needs to be moved down just a teenie bit,  T needs to be enlarged.  n needs to be straightened out a bit.  Man I'll tell ya.  That's shapin up to be freakin awesome.  However yours is not the only one that is awesome.  All of these entries with the exception of a few obvious "joke" submissions are all spectacular.

Thanks for the kind words.. And I agree, just about all of the entries here are great! Some good photochoppers here at LPF.

Anyway, I gotta go home and hit the sack right now, but I'll make those adjustments tomorrow afternoon.
Kenom said:
Yes, that K looks waaay better.  I also agree with maven, you need to "align" the letters with one another a bit better  The r needs to be a bit taller.  Y needs to be moved down just a teenie bit,  T needs to be enlarged.  n needs to be straightened out a bit.  Man I'll tell ya.  That's shapin up to be freakin awesome.  However yours is not the only one that is awesome.  All of these entries with the exception of a few obvious "joke" submissions are all spectacular.

my submissions was serious lol a bunch of them i saw looked just like some of the submissions on here lol especially the early ones

anyway as far as i can tell rattlehead's submissions is the closest to what you asked for in the beginning and is kinda what i had in my head ... but for some reason i keeps seeing it as an animation of the words freezing like the crystals forming also there was one other person that had a very professional and great looking submission RA
