No worries, everyone is different. Take care. Btw I help homeless people just as much as I do stray dogs. Please don't think I just don't give a crap about humans, I just Care equally about all species.
This is NOT for us to argue about.
It is just something for you to consider
I have this conversation in about 70% of my public speaking classes
You do NOT care equally about ALL species
ALL humans create their own, individual hierarchy of life
We then draw arbitrary lines on that hierarchy
Take the time to list all of the different species you can think of in a 20 minute period
Then sort them out into your personal hierarchy (which species are more "important" than other species)
When you finish that, go through and draw your "lines"
Up to what level is it OK to commit mass murder using chemical weapons? (virii? cockroaches? rats?)
At what level is it OK to kill for food? (cows? rabbits? )
At what level is it OK to kill on an individual basis when the animal is "bothering" you? (coyote? bear? crow?)
At what level is it only OK to kill when the animal is threatening you or an innocent? (snake? dog? cat? lion?)
At what level should we stop treating them like animals? (pets? )
At what level should we protect them if it is not too much trouble or costly? (pets? cows? sparrows?)
At what level should we protect them at any cost? (pets? people?)
What if that cost was a human life?
You may have other "lines."
These are just the ones that I thought of while typing this.
It may not change anything about your life (although it could)
It is just something that I believe most people never actually figure out about themselves and can help them make informed decisions about how they react to the world