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FrozenGate by Avery

Known scammers!

If facts back up the accusation how is it liable? I agree personal info should not be posted, but if you had a negative experience why no post it? eBay an others use the same system.

In not one of these posts have I seen a single hard "fact". By hard fact I mean a fact with solid, documented proof posted right there along with the claim. It never happens.

You might counter with "Well, that's supposed to be hashed out in court later.." OK, so that may be, but here's the problems:

First, who really wants to go to court at all if they can avoid it? Just going to court costs money and time, not to mention the fact that courts can rule wrong.. It's not inconceivable to think that an innocent party would be ruled against in a court of law. Court should be reserved for the worst cases where every other option has been exhausted.

Second, I guarantee that not all the claims that would end up in a thread like this will be legit. In those cases it is slanderous and/or libelous depending on the case iteself. Regardless, there is a good possibility that in the right situation, the Admin could be held accountable for allowing these types of statements to remain posted, although as long as a proper disclaimer has been supplied (no disclaimer has been supplied for this section of the forum that I have seen...) it should protect them.

I agree, but on the flip side I'm sure the scammers are counting on the same things you just listed. Unfortunately you can never provide hard proof here because anything can be digitaly altered. That's why this section is a good idea. You wont have 5 members all making up a story.

Maybe you should PM Avery. You have a valid point and I do think a disclaimer is warranted.
dont bother avery with this stuff, he's bussy enough as it is. he probably wont even reply back. im sure he has better things to do probably.
dont bother avery with this stuff, he's bussy enough as it is. he probably wont even reply back. im sure he has better things to do probably.

Avery answers me back every time. Maybe he has better things to do than answer you back. :crackup:
ohhhh!!! good one, you could at least diversify in your responses a little bit... if your capable that is
I agree with T_J... a PM to the Admin would be prudent... merely as a heads-up.
If the Admin wants to act on the heads-up that will be his choice...

BTW... c0ldshadow has always responded to all my PMs as well... ;)

ohhhh!!! good one, you could at least diversify in your responses a little bit... if your capable that is

Sorry but I'm a born and bred smart ass. Pissing off the world one person at a time.
In not one of these posts have I seen a single hard "fact". By hard fact I mean a fact with solid, documented proof posted right there along with the claim. It never happens.

Never happens?:thinking:

Check here for proof along with my claim. It is full of PMs, emails, as well as USPS tracking info. What more do you need?

I know bringing up my old post is beating a dead horse. Sorry 'bout that.
Hey T_W...
the horse is dead... he doesn't care....:crackup::crackup:

"So if you defend these people, you are just as guilty as the scammers cause you wont do what is right. " TJ
I'm guilty as accused. I withdraw any good things I have said about any sellers here. I'm getting tired of the bickering anyway.

Think Lasers should be added, they've ripped off some people here. Not me, but Yobresal and someone else seem to have been screwed.
The whole section was made to keep the arguments out of the other forum section. So in fact this is the exact place arguments should be going on because Ken will not update the list he so readily made of the people he does not like.

Mike, you an others who have not got ripped off are veteran members. Someone would be a fool to piss off the higher ups. Instead they pretend to be your friend and hook you up from time to time. Its smart business. Its the newer/younger member that are getting ripped off. The members no one cares about. I see a lot of vetran member standing up for these scammers and it makes me sick. Unless you hang out with this person, the scammer is just some pen-pal asshole who has befriended you by hooking you up, or telling you what you want to hear. All while ripping others off. If one person got screwed you could excuse it cause shit happens. But there are piles of people who got screwed by Jake, and Chris yet they are not on the list. So if you defend these people, you are just as guilty as the scammers cause you wont do what is right.

I have not been scammed yet here, I only made purchases from veterans and/or well known sellers. I will never stand up for a scammer. But I am an excellent buyer as well, the second you send me your paypal I pay. I'm sure a few of you could agree with that. I really have only been scammed once on the net, on ebay someone sent me a very genuine looking PS3 controller, it however has slight differences, I filed for fraudulent merchandise. I have no beef with anyone on this forum yet though:D
I've received 2/3 orders I placed with jake, the third fell through and I promptly received a complete refund. I've received 1/1 orders I placed with heurrsciences, went without a hitch. I waited a year for drivers from bluefusion, though he did end up sending them to senkat who distributed them accordingly.

I'd go as far as to say that all three of these people are not scammers, and they don't belong on this list... They're just disorganized or young or in the case of chris, do so much business that one or two orders are bound to fall through the cracks and one or two very vocal buyers have gone around spreading fear uncertainty and doubt against him.
Sometimes, life just gets in the way. These people aren't always just sitting around waiting to sell stuff. Just my $0.02.
If after all what happened with Jake you guys still stand for him I'm really gonna get disappointed.

I for example, paid almost 100$ for a bluray with insured shipping and never recived nothing, he end up saying he had not shipped it insured because that was too expensive and that there was no tracking number, and there he stopped answering.

He was even trying to sell more stuff while ignoring his thread that was always on the top of the general section, so Kenom, PLEASE add Jake to the list.

Ofc many of you ordered and didn't have problem, he just had problems with the sells and the FDA and scammed many of us to get some money as he knew he was gonna stop selling.

If after all what happened with Jake you guys still stand for him I'm really gonna get disappointed.

I for example, paid almost 100$ for a bluray with insured shipping and never recived nothing, he end up saying he had not shipped it insured because that was too expensive and that there was no tracking number, and there he stopped answering.

He was even trying to sell more stuff while ignoring his thread that was always on the top of the general section, so Kenom, PLEASE add Jake to the list.

Ofc many of you ordered and didn't have problem, he just had problems with the sells and the FDA and scammed many of us to get some money as he knew he was gonna stop selling.


Even though he didn't scam everyone he dealt with, he ripped off enough of us that he has definitely earned a spot on this list. Thank the gods he is gone.
